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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
True. :o

Man it was so different back in the day though. The forum froze all the time at particular times of the day. But it was good in a way because you could multipost during those freezes and get loads of posts really fast just by clicking "submit" as fast as you could before it unfroze. You could get anywhere from 2 to 200 posts at once with that. :D:D

I've also done 33 pages of nothing but *maps* before. :o

Can you compare with that? :D

Yea... you cheater! :mad: I didn't do that and I could easily keep up with you (in times when I didn't have my final exams) :cool:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Thus is why I was the spam queen back in the day. :o

But lately I find it to be too boring and repetitive to post nonsense over and over. So I stick around just to talk to people and not much more than the occasional *maps* or so.

You stole that title from me. I was the first Spam queen known on the forum :D Just lost it to you because of the mentioned exams...