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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Yea... you cheater! :mad: I didn't do that and I could easily keep up with you (in times when I didn't have my final exams) :cool:

It was NOT cheating. :D

Cheating by definition: dishonesty or gaining an unfair advantage

I had no advantage you didn't... I chose to take advantage of it freezing and you didn't. So the only difference was our choices.

But anyway, that's an ancient argument. :D

You stole that title from me. I was the first Spam queen known on the forum :D Just lost it to you because of the mentioned exams...

I didn't steal it, Adam or someone gave it to me. :o And besides, I told you before you were the true spam queen.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
It was NOT cheating. :D

Cheating by definition: dishonesty or gaining an unfair advantage

I had no advantage you didn't... I chose to take advantage of it freezing and you didn't. So the only difference was our choices.

But anyway, that's an ancient argument. :D

I didn't steal it, Adam or someone gave it to me. :o And besides, I told you before you were the true spam queen.

I was spamming because not everyone was there when the forum froze and had the possibility to do that. The rules set by the forum are every 30 seconds and if you don't obey those rules, you're cheating ;)