didn't knew in what topic i should put this so it goes right here:
first of all great festival once again! stunning gigs, lots of fun, and it was very nice to see again the folks i meet last year in the camping and in the forum meeting, you boys and girls rock
then i want to cheer everyone new i meet this year, cool people, some older, some new, but all with a great spirit. hope to meet you all again very soon. sorry for all the people i don't remenber the names of, but specially a big kiss to careo and a big kiss to phonix (finally we've seen gigs togheter!)
this summer was great for me, went to hellfest and came back to wacken, where it's always a nice place to see gigs, meet nice people, and have fun in such heavy and special way, apart of the festival been too overcrowded which is a bit annoying to me. can't say i won't come back next year, but can't say i would, but one thing i'm sure... the 4rd time in wacken was awesome once again

thanks for putting up such an amazing festival, and to all the people who were with me this year, i wish all the best and hope that my company was as pleasant and yours have been to me.
take care folks!