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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I was spamming because not everyone was there when the forum froze and had the possibility to do that. The rules set by the forum are every 30 seconds and if you don't obey those rules, you're cheating ;)

Maybe not, but that's still their choice, nothing preventing them from coming here and doing it. And the only actual rules of this forum are no "spamming" [as in spambot ads] and no Nazi racist/hateful posting. The 30 second thing is only a V-bulletin thing they put on all these types of forums.

Anyway think whatever you want, but I honestly don't consider what I did cheating so I don't see a problem with it or regret it.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Maybe not, but that's still their choice, nothing preventing them from coming here and doing it. And the only actual rules of this forum are no "spamming" [as in spambot ads] and no Nazi racist/hateful posting. The 30 second thing is only a V-bulletin thing they put on all these types of forums.

Anyway think whatever you want, but I honestly don't consider what I did cheating so I don't see a problem with it or regret it.

I do consider it cheating and many others did too :rolleyes: Just like the second accounts posting. That's why we decided to not do that kind of stuff anymore, remember? :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I do consider it cheating and many others did too :rolleyes: Just like the second accounts posting. That's why we decided to not do that kind of stuff anymore, remember? :rolleyes:

I don't actually... but I do remember you saying that using multiple accounts wasn't cheating because it was still doing the same amount of work and not boosting your own postcount, but the thread's. You, not me. :p