I was wrong to conflate the two issues of Islamisation and mass migration. They are two different topics, but I dislike both of these ideas.
It's all very well saying "people are more important than borders". The trouble is, where do you draw the line? Do we stop at 2 million people? Or do we encourage and assist countless millions in getting to Europe? If you do let countless millions into your country, your public services will not be able to cope, and the struggle to find housing, jobs, and similar things will become more difficult for everyone.
The second topic - Islamisation, is also problematic. This is an ideology that is against freedom of speech. If I was to say that the Prophet Mohammed was a bad man, some Muslims out there would want to kill me. And their treatment of women as recommended by the Koran and the Shariah is very different to how we treat women in the West.
The Islamic ideology can only have a limited sympathy for democracy as we know it. This is because Islam was created between 600-700AD, and Mohammed never encountered democracy or approved of it. His style of ruling was strict and authoritarian. You can see this, because Islam is not able to accept any sort of criticism. If you do try to comment upon things that are bad about the Islamic ideology, you have people who become 'offended', and the debate is closed down. The person who criticised is usually called a racist or an Islamophobe.
What does this matter for now? For the moment, when this line is reached, there will be more than enough economic-guys, wo´ve calculated this and say stop. But for now it seems to work. Without any visible problems. Of course it does. The german gouvernment and the EU in whole have much more other much more stupid expenditures, than handle these refugees.
Nobody said, this would be easy, and of course their come many problems, with these refugees, but the important question is: what is the alternative?
I think there is no alternative. When we´re not let them in, it would be a humanitarian catastrophe, with historical dimensions.
With the second point I agree mostly. I dont like the islamistic religion either, but I don´t think this is a cause, to disallow refugees.
You cannot judge every muslimic people, for a doubtful theologie!
There must be just a strict and clear and strong line of religious neutrality from the state. No special rights for muslims, or cristians, nothing.
I certainly don't think that PEGIDA has popular support in Germany. On the contrary I think the people of Germany have had years of their own politicians and world politicians shaming and blaming them for the happenings of the Second World War. I know I won't get any new fans for mentioning this. But it is true, this embrace of the migrant crisis, I explain it as a lot of people are trying to 'make amends' for something that they have nothing to do with.
I really do believe that German people today are not connected to all the terrible things that happened in WWII. Because they're a different generation. But look for example, at how welcoming Sweden has been towards migrants. It think they have taken more migrants than any other country. They took on this attitude because they were one of the big Axis powers in WWII.
Thanks for not banning me by the way. I am a big believer in freedom of speech. I think that all these issues need to be explored without shutting out any of the opinions.
For my share, I don´t want to hel refugees for the guilt of any world war, or something. I want to help them, because I think this is just the right fucking thing. Nothing more.
And me either would just ban you or every other person, if you start talking really racist, or other crappy bullshit. I really appreciate the big freedom in this forum, and so I will handle it, when it´s possible. Furthermore I think, it is better to talk with a person, instead of just banning him or her. A dialouge has more to offer for both, than just a banning. (A little bit, like the refugee topic, don´t you think?
Oh an to free spech in generally:
Many people think, just because we have free spech in the law, they can say anything, anywhere and anytime they want, but this isn´t right. This forum belongs to the W:O:A people. If they don´t like what a person say, they´ve their house rights to ban these people. But that is not a question of freedom of speech! You´ve the freedom to say nearly everything you want, but every other person have their right to give you no plattform for this.
It´s not you, or any special person I talking from! Like I said, youst generally said. I just tell it, because I hear the freedom speech argument many times, with a wrong understanding of it and so I wanted to make this clear.