ich weiß nich ob ich den abgebn soll, vergessen soll oder komplett neuschreibn soll... falls wer die vokabeln weiß die mir fehlen, bitte posten, dann muss ich net aufstehn und mein wörterbuch holen... *g*
The USA and its people from a German point of view
What is it that make some (?) Europeans dislike America the way they do?
I don’t think it’s the people of America, it’s its policy. From some people that have been to America I heard that they were asked if we have electricity in Europe. I hope that’s not representative for your country. And I even hope that your president (I can’t believe that this man is the mightiest man on the world) isn’t representative for your country. Okay, that´s what I know about your country´s people. I don´t think that you´re all like this. I really hope this....
But what I know about your policy in [bereiche] like environmental problems or defense... I can´t believe that a [volk] on this planet can be that selfish. F.i., let´s take Kyoto. Clinton signed a contract that should help to keep this planet alive for the next generations. But when Bush became your president, he broke this contract. Why did he behave like this? To fulfill the conditions given in the Kyoto-contract, all countries on this planet which signed have to bring some [opfer]. Not only the USA. But other countries and governments are [mutig] enough to try this. Why not the USA, your wonderful country?
Then there is this bigot kind of society in your country. On the one side you “trust in god”, on the other side you...
put atombombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
destroy your (our!!!) environment
murder people in your prisons (okay, we had that a lot in the middle-ages, too)
do just intervent in conflicts on earth, when political or economical interests of your country are in danger
Okay, after Sept.11th it´s a different situation. You said you free this people of their regime. But if “this” regime hadn´t attack your country, this people would suffer today like they did the last years. On Sept. 11th I heard some voices saying, that it was “good” that America had to realize that it is not an [unantastbar] country. But they way you had to realize that, was a bit extreme. Compared to Hiroshima it was... not that bad, but that´s decades away.
Would have been better to write this in German, some expressions would have been different and less extreme, but I hope that it´s possible to read out what I tried to say.
The USA and its people from a German point of view
What is it that make some (?) Europeans dislike America the way they do?
I don’t think it’s the people of America, it’s its policy. From some people that have been to America I heard that they were asked if we have electricity in Europe. I hope that’s not representative for your country. And I even hope that your president (I can’t believe that this man is the mightiest man on the world) isn’t representative for your country. Okay, that´s what I know about your country´s people. I don´t think that you´re all like this. I really hope this....
But what I know about your policy in [bereiche] like environmental problems or defense... I can´t believe that a [volk] on this planet can be that selfish. F.i., let´s take Kyoto. Clinton signed a contract that should help to keep this planet alive for the next generations. But when Bush became your president, he broke this contract. Why did he behave like this? To fulfill the conditions given in the Kyoto-contract, all countries on this planet which signed have to bring some [opfer]. Not only the USA. But other countries and governments are [mutig] enough to try this. Why not the USA, your wonderful country?
Then there is this bigot kind of society in your country. On the one side you “trust in god”, on the other side you...
put atombombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
destroy your (our!!!) environment
murder people in your prisons (okay, we had that a lot in the middle-ages, too)
do just intervent in conflicts on earth, when political or economical interests of your country are in danger
Okay, after Sept.11th it´s a different situation. You said you free this people of their regime. But if “this” regime hadn´t attack your country, this people would suffer today like they did the last years. On Sept. 11th I heard some voices saying, that it was “good” that America had to realize that it is not an [unantastbar] country. But they way you had to realize that, was a bit extreme. Compared to Hiroshima it was... not that bad, but that´s decades away.
Would have been better to write this in German, some expressions would have been different and less extreme, but I hope that it´s possible to read out what I tried to say.
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