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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
I think in Europe more people teach there kids and expect respect and decent behavior from each other than here. I saw that walking around in towns in Europe, much less obnoxious behavior, much less vandalism, I thin they teach respect a lot more than we do overall. I am in no way saying they are perfect and that nobody gets out of hand there, just at a much lower level. The behavior of drunken metalheads at WOA is far better than at say Ozzfest.

At the show I just came back from had a feeling a lot like Wacken did. Most people were drunk, but it was more like a brotherhood. No vandalism, most people respected each other and could trust each other whether or not they knew them before. I'm starting to wonder if those values tend to run with real metal heads. When the cops showed up, we accepted it and just went back to our homes rather than trying to cause a big problem. You won't find that at Ozzfest, because Ozzfest is full of people who are full of themselves and know nothing about the scene at all besides White Chapel and Ozzy. We tend to call those types of people posers.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Dunno... I didn't notice anything different about Europe in that sense really. And Wacken actually sucked compared to the smaller fests I went to, as far as people behaving. The smaller ones were more comparable to the shows we have here at my regular venue. Yes we have sweaty violent drunks and stage divers that decide I make a nice cushion, but I've also seen a mosh pit that entirely stopped while a few people were having difficulty picking up a larger person who had fallen. It's the crowd of the bands themselves rather than the location, I think.

well I guess some crowds in the US do know how to act at a metal show. The fact about Wacken is when you consider the HUGE amount of people that are drinking there, there is so much less violence than you'd have at the equivalent in the USA, like I said, Ozzfest for example. I believe more people go to a festival like WOA because they really love Metal than the scene following posers who go to an Ozzfest just for an excuse to act like an imbecile.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
well I guess some crowds in the US do know how to act at a metal show. The fact about Wacken is when you consider the HUGE amount of people that are drinking there, there is so much less violence than you'd have at the equivalent in the USA, like I said, Ozzfest for example. I believe more people go to a festival like WOA because they really love Metal than the scene following posers who go to an Ozzfest just for an excuse to act like an imbecile.

Yea, Wacken is definitely way better than Ozzfest would be.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Dunno... I didn't notice anything different about Europe in that sense really. And Wacken actually sucked compared to the smaller fests I went to, as far as people behaving. The smaller ones were more comparable to the shows we have here at my regular venue. Yes we have sweaty violent drunks and stage divers that decide I make a nice cushion, but I've also seen a mosh pit that entirely stopped while a few people were having difficulty picking up a larger person who had fallen. It's the crowd of the bands themselves rather than the location, I think.

And as for your "Wacken Sucked" comment, I can tell you this, when I went to WOA in 2003, there was about half the crowd size and it was for sure better for that fact, a smaller festival can be a better experience crowd wise. Smaller festivals are more about the music, the bands playing, WOA has become more about the whole Wacken experience being an event in itself, not just the bands on stage.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Yea, that's something they did do right, and it's what I hope to pass on to whatever future family I might have.

See, that's what I keep trying to say. :o

Well or tastes do change over time, I now love some foods that i hated when i was a kid. And as for your upbringing, you can always be grateful for that, as years go by it will be more and more clear how much your parents did for you.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Well as I said, the laws are flawed in some ways. Sadly some parents don't have enough common sense or self control to teach their kids how to drink responsibly. I can tell you that from my own personal experience, I don't mean speaking of me to my daughter. My dad let me have beer or wine if I asked at under 18, but I think he knew it would be OK because back then I could NOT stand the taste of it. I hated it then and could not understand why anyone would choose to drink stuff that tasted like it.

Yeah. I didn't get it at a younger age either why people would like ANY of that stuff. I had no idea how people would desire to be intoxicated or anything. I have an idea now, obviously seeing I am still sipping on my smirnoff bitchdrink (yes, my mother knows, i got permission to drink it earlier this week). I'm sure though that you've taught your daughter well and she will turn out just fine. You might have a few odd moments where she randomly takes off to the town over without permission or notice a stranger on your couch, but those things happen with the most responsible of people.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
That makes all the different. Making sure the values are clear, but giving her the knowledge that you trust she will make the right choices, and will always be there for her regardless of the circumstance will make all the difference. My mom told me if I ever got pregnant under 18 that I would be getting a job and, despite the idea she would still support me, she would make me hire somebody (her, or somebody else) to watch the child and such. That made me feel I could turn to her if on the off chance I did make a poor choice based on the moment rather than what I knew was right. It never did happen, but looking back it kind of made me feel that it was my option, even though I knew it wasn't a good idea.

Well it sounds like your mom really has done a great job raising you. We know that my daughter is human and an individual and will make her own choices and times mistakes, and we will be there for her to help pick her up when she falls. She also knows that certain choices or behaviors that she knows better about will not be tolerated and if she does those things, at 18 she is on her own. Those of course are extreme things, very bad choices that jeapordize our home or safety.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Well it sounds like your mom really has done a great job raising you. We know that my daughter is human and an individual and will make her own choices and times mistakes, and we will be there for her to help pick her up when she falls. She also knows that certain choices or behaviors that she knows better about will not be tolerated and if she does those things, at 18 she is on her own. Those of course are extreme things, very bad choices that jeapordize our home or safety.

That's what we hope to do with our kids too. It'll be a while, in the mean time we try to give them a solid basis.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Well it sounds like your mom really has done a great job raising you. We know that my daughter is human and an individual and will make her own choices and times mistakes, and we will be there for her to help pick her up when she falls. She also knows that certain choices or behaviors that she knows better about will not be tolerated and if she does those things, at 18 she is on her own. Those of course are extreme things, very bad choices that jeapordize our home or safety.

Yeah. And I bet she knows these things at the age she's at that you are there for her, and I bet just the fact you're involved will prevent any severe issues in her young life just because of that. My mom and I laugh at the time I took off to New York which threw her into a mass panic and she threatened to kill me after I got home. I didn't give her much more difficulty than that besides the typical refusal to wash dishes :D.