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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
At the show I just came back from had a feeling a lot like Wacken did. Most people were drunk, but it was more like a brotherhood. No vandalism, most people respected each other and could trust each other whether or not they knew them before. I'm starting to wonder if those values tend to run with real metal heads. When the cops showed up, we accepted it and just went back to our homes rather than trying to cause a big problem. You won't find that at Ozzfest, because Ozzfest is full of people who are full of themselves and know nothing about the scene at all besides White Chapel and Ozzy. We tend to call those types of people posers.

Exactly! that's why I so enjoyed WOA in 2003, and even 2008, though it was getting too big. You mainly have REAL Metal fans, there for the music and brotherhood you feel among other like minded people. It felt like I was home, among my own people, I felt safe, very happy. We left our things including CDs and other desirable items in our tents, and nobody messed with our things, not one thief among 70,000, at least non that ventured into our area. That's how it should be.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Did I? :confused:
Can't remember. :p

Yea you did. :D

Exactly! that's why I so enjoyed WOA in 2003, and even 2008, though it was getting too big. You mainly have REAL Metal fans, there for the music and brotherhood you feel among other like minded people. It felt like I was home, among my own people, I felt safe, very happy. We left our things including CDs and other desirable items in our tents, and nobody messed with our things, not one thief among 70,000, at least non that ventured into our area. That's how it should be.

Go to HOA the week before Wacken next time you're able to head overseas, seriously. It's epicness.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Exactly! that's why I so enjoyed WOA in 2003, and even 2008, though it was getting too big. You mainly have REAL Metal fans, there for the music and brotherhood you feel among other like minded people. It felt like I was home, among my own people, I felt safe, very happy. We left our things including CDs and other desirable items in our tents, and nobody messed with our things, not one thief among 70,000, at least non that ventured into our area. That's how it should be.

Thiefs are everywhere, even at Wacken (O:A)
But it's true mostly.

And I have to go off.



W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Exactly! that's why I so enjoyed WOA in 2003, and even 2008, though it was getting too big. You mainly have REAL Metal fans, there for the music and brotherhood you feel among other like minded people. It felt like I was home, among my own people, I felt safe, very happy. We left our things including CDs and other desirable items in our tents, and nobody messed with our things, not one thief among 70,000, at least non that ventured into our area. That's how it should be.

I gave some random dude $20 to get me some beer earlier. Of course I gave him $3 for the favor, but I never met the guy, I hadn't a thought in my mind that he might run off with the cash and never return. I think that mentality is the metal scene rather than anything else. The guy who got me the booze was straight edge and didn't even drink, which is why he got $2 instead of a beer.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
That's what we hope to do with our kids too. It'll be a while, in the mean time we try to give them a solid basis.

That's it! It's all we can do, and what we should do. We set the examples that our kids ultimately set there life by. Especially when they are very young like yours... they so look up to you as their whole world. They want to be just like you.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I gave some random dude $20 to get me some beer earlier. Of course I gave him $3 for the favor, but I never met the guy, I hadn't a thought in my mind that he might run off with the cash and never return. I think that mentality is the metal scene rather than anything else. The guy who got me the booze was straight edge and didn't even drink, which is why he got $2 instead of a beer.

That was at Wacken?