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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Well it could happen actually. :o Just, the nonalcoholic beer I had at Q's place was so horrible. I had maybe a drop and I wanted a glass of water to wash off my tongue. :o I was curious for awhile at Dong, but after that, I sorta got used to the idea of it being everywhere.

Well I like some beer, but some tastes completely horrible. I buy the brands that taste good to me, or really there's no reason to drink it in the first place IMO.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Well yep, after high school, when people start to test their independence they can do some crazy things. Some let loose and go crazy, some too crazy and screw up their lives, I've sen that happen. When I was 18 the age that most people finish high school, it was legal to drink, and legal to do it at the park, beach etc. It was not a good thing, we were not ready at that age.

Yea... I think 18's a good drinking age though personally. Rather it's just today's culture for parents to hold on too tightly, and the freedom after high school is a shock they can't handle because they're not used to it.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Well I like some beer, but some tastes completely horrible. I buy the brands that taste good to me, or really there's no reason to drink it in the first place IMO.

Makes sense.

I wish they'd come here... nobody comes here. :(
At least I saw them at WOA 2008, they were brilliant!

I bet. They were really good last year at Bloodstock too. They open up all their songs the same way every time though. :o Kinda sucks but ah well, gets me going. :D PHOBIA


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Yea... I think 18's a good drinking age though personally. Rather it's just today's culture for parents to hold on too tightly, and the freedom after high school is a shock they can't handle because they're not used to it.

I disagree, there's no age at which that someone is instantly mature and responsible. And the thing is at the age of 18, most people are not seasoned drivers yet, add alcohol and it's a recipe for disaster. The worst part is, the driver usually lives and some innocent person or people dies. If a person waits 3 years until they're 21, they still have the rest of their life to drink, what's the rush?


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
I disagree, there's no age at which that someone is instantly mature and responsible. And the thing is at the age of 18, most people are not seasoned drivers yet, add alcohol and it's a recipe for disaster. The worst part is, the driver usually lives and some innocent person or people dies. If a person waits 3 years until they're 21, they still have the rest of their life to drink, what's the rush?

I don't think at least it should be strictly enforced. For instance, if my mother doesn't mind me drinking a beer at home, why should she and I be at risk for being arrested over something entirely controlled? She knows I drink, she knows I'm responsible, and because of the fact that it's no big deal I see no reason to go out and go binge drinking.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I believe it's a parent's job to really know (not control and oppress) their child/children. They need to help their kids make the big decisions in life until they're 18. Stuff like when they can drive, have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I know that's not something that will make me popular with the teens, but really, not every kid matures at the same rate, and EVERY teen thinks they are.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I disagree, there's no age at which that someone is instantly mature and responsible. And the thing is at the age of 18, most people are not seasoned drivers yet, add alcohol and it's a recipe for disaster. The worst part is, the driver usually lives and some innocent person or people dies. If a person waits 3 years until they're 21, they still have the rest of their life to drink, what's the rush?

Well I never said 18 meant they're instantly mature, just that's better than 21. And if they're legally allowed to drink vs doing it anyway, the thrill of "omg I can finally drink" wears off faster, like opening a Christmas gift early. Drunk driving is always an issue, at any age though, whether it's 18, 21, or 50.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
I disagree, there's no age at which that someone is instantly mature and responsible. And the thing is at the age of 18, most people are not seasoned drivers yet, add alcohol and it's a recipe for disaster. The worst part is, the driver usually lives and some innocent person or people dies. If a person waits 3 years until they're 21, they still have the rest of their life to drink, what's the rush?

Not to mention, nobody I know drinks and drives. We always have a designated driver regardless. Why should I be not allowed to drink for a few irresponsible people who are breaking the law in the first place?


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
I believe it's a parent's job to really know (not control and oppress) their child/children. They need to help their kids make the big decisions in life until they're 18. Stuff like when they can drive, have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I know that's not something that will make me popular with the teens, but really, not every kid matures at the same rate, and EVERY teen thinks they are.

Yeah.. but, I also dated a guy my mother disagreed with. Had she told me I'm not allowed to go with him, I would have snuck out and probably would have done it anyways. She let it go, and within a month or so I had let him go anyways.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
...I see no reason to go out and go binge drinking.

After you got home tonight completely wasted. :o:D:p

I believe it's a parent's job to really know (not control and oppress) their child/children. They need to help their kids make the big decisions in life until they're 18. Stuff like when they can drive, have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I know that's not something that will make me popular with the teens, but really, not every kid matures at the same rate, and EVERY teen thinks they are.

I agree that not every kid matures at the same rate, but that doesn't mean say your daughter couldn't just be mature enough at 17 or so. I know around then I was getting back from shows or parties at 2am with my parents not even calling or waiting on me. Just depends on the person, and I think that should be the rule rather than 18.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I don't think at least it should be strictly enforced. For instance, if my mother doesn't mind me drinking a beer at home, why should she and I be at risk for being arrested over something entirely controlled? She knows I drink, she knows I'm responsible, and because of the fact that it's no big deal I see no reason to go out and go binge drinking.

Well you see that's my point, you have self control and your mother knows that. And if she wants to allow you drink in the safety of your own home then that's great. What I get concerned about is those who get behind the wheel after they drink or while drinking. And teen girls who get taken advantage of at partys when they're drunk. those are the kind of mistakes that can ruin a young life. I'm not trying to sound controlling, but as the father of a well developed, boy crazy 14 year old daughter, I rightfully have concerns.