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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Well I was 90% you were not, I don't think your parents would allow that in their home, and I don't think that your "friends" would want you to drink beer if they really are your friends. But hey, you never know.

I could hide it from them if I wanted probably. :o But I haven't seen those friends since I got back. Some of them did get into partying though. Really interesting how people end up sometimes.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Plus, I know that you are smarter than that. :)

Well it could happen actually. :o Just, the nonalcoholic beer I had at Q's place was so horrible. I had maybe a drop and I wanted a glass of water to wash off my tongue. :o I was curious for awhile at Dong, but after that, I sorta got used to the idea of it being everywhere.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I could hide it from them if I wanted probably. :o But I haven't seen those friends since I got back. Some of them did get into partying though. Really interesting how people end up sometimes.

Well yep, after high school, when people start to test their independence they can do some crazy things. Some let loose and go crazy, some too crazy and screw up their lives, I've sen that happen. When I was 18 the age that most people finish high school, it was legal to drink, and legal to do it at the park, beach etc. It was not a good thing, we were not ready at that age.