W:O:A Metalhead
Maybe you can take this as a t-shirt cover
wow Nice!
Maybe you can take this as a t-shirt cover
Maybe you can take this as a t-shirt cover
Still nothing from WOA Admins. I guess they like this design better than their own. After all, it has pink.
Maybe you can take this as a t-shirt cover
I can see where your going with this, and I do respect your intentions, they were clearly good, but what you did was illegal. Period. No further discussion needed. It's not your job to prevent attacks on the site, it's the job of the Administration. Well, they fucked up that one pretty good, but that is none of your buisness in my eyes. If you had to do it, why didn't you just do it and leave it at that? Coming up on the forum and taking credit for it: That's what I find a bit boldfaced.I'm sorry to hear that you think I'm a criminal. Of course everybody has the right on his or her own opinion, but you do realize you are one of the very few here that sees it this way? I didn't destroy anything. I merely took the site out of air to prevent any attacks that actually would destroy site content. I never called myself 'Elite-Hacker', I didn't even use the word Hacker. I'm just a guy with some more-than-basic computer knowledge and I intend to use that to help out.
Maybe you can take this as a t-shirt cover
Hacker sind keine Kriminellen, zumindest in meinen Augen. Die finden halt irgendwelche Lücken im Systhem. Und solange die nichts kaputt machen, ist es auch nicht schlimm. Außerdem wäre das jetzt nun wirklich nicht sooo schlimm, wenn die Seite jetzt ne Zeit lang down ist. Immerhin hat Metaltix die selben News, wie die WOA-Seite.
Ich weiss ja nicht, es gibt sicherlich schlimmere Aktionen, andererseits finde ich es doch recht unnötig. Mal abgesehen von der offensichtlichen Illegalität, ich bezweifle, dass es tatsächlich böse Hacker gibt, welche die Wackenhomepage sabotieren möchten. Da hätte eine ganz einfache Informierung der Admins (etwa Wacken-Bull) bezüglich der Sicherheitslücken gereicht. Hätte dann sicherlich länger gedauert und weniger Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen, aber ich schätze mal, dass da gerade der Knackpunkt für den "Delinquenten" liegt...
Well, I chose for this solution rather than sending an email. I did send an email last year when I discovered a bug in the site before Wacken 2009 If the same admin still works for Wacken he might remember that one. It took me 3 mails and 7 days back then to convince him that the bug could actually do any damage.
trotzdem muss man ihn meiner Meinung nach hier jetzt nicht so abfeiern...
trotzdem muss man ihn meiner Meinung nach hier jetzt nicht so abfeiern....ist ja schon sehr albern, was hier grad abgeht.
Die Aktion kann man ja meinetwegen noch als "in Ordnung" ansehen, da den Orgas bzw Admin halt mal gezeigt wird, die schlecht die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Seite sind. Aber wie gesagt, muss man sich deshalb nicht gleich so profilieren.
I can see where your going with this, and I do respect your intentions, they were clearly good, but what you did was illegal. Period. No further discussion needed. It's not your job to prevent attacks on the site, it's the job of the Administration. Well, they fucked up that one pretty good, but that is none of your buisness in my eyes. If you had to do it, why didn't you just do it and leave it at that? Coming up on the forum and taking credit for it: That's what I find a bit boldfaced.
Thats my opinion, and yes I do realize I'm pretty much alone with it. Not the first time, believe me.