Wacken 2003

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W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
That was a good question, Supercahrger!! I don´t think Brat´s Boyfriend would allow something like that!!

Regarding the MANOWAR Story, I just only want to say that I really love this band. And I must admit, that they could be as "commercial" as possible and I would love them anyway. This happens to me only with MANOWAR. I don´t know why. I only know that I love them.

That´s my opinion. But I can understand the other opinions as well. So, if you like them it´s OK. But if you hate them it´s OK too!!! The only thing we should try to avoid is the use of insulting comments.

Let the Heavy Metal run through your veins!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
About Manowar: I must admit that I really like their first album. But I hate that attitude of "Death to false metal". Only a girl who tells me what's printed in Brat's t-shirt could persuade me to go to see them :D

One more reason not to see a Manowar's gig: Orson Welles won't be with them at stage


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Supercharger
are you sure your boyfriend would let you go to Wacken next year wearing your "naughty boy get to my tent" shirt :D

Well I did wear the "...go to my room" tshirt at Wacken and he didn't seem to say anything and even if he did, I'd still wear it ;)

and the next day I wore one that said "Kiss me I'm metal" (and someone did!!) Bugger! If only I knew who this daring stranger is :p


I've had that shirt for a year and only 2 guys have ever had to courage to do it! LOL