W:O:A Metalhead
I'm pretty sure I can control myself around the swarm of girls that will be there.I'll hopefully be bringing a lady friend with me.*heh heh*
Originally posted by Warthog
I once went up to a girl who was wearing a shirt that said "I LOST MY TEDDY BEAR...WILL YOU SLEEP WITH ME?"...and well, I got slapped.
So I'm a little more careful now, hehe.
Originally posted by Brat
*contemplating* hmm ..giving me ideas LOL
Stupid bitch-if she wore that shirt!
Well, hey, I don't see any harm in being kissed by a fellow metalhead! Guess if you don't have the guts to go through with something like that, why wear the shirts!
Originally posted by mugabe
I like the print on this biker shirt:
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
any of our german friends in here know or read anything in the german forum about when Holger will update the site ?
i want to know what other bands will playyes yes too early i know ...but did we not have a few more confirmed bands this time last year ???