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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I tried to get a move on with my holiday plans; it's painful I tell you! I decided I'd leave it up to my relatives to decide how long I'll stay there, then I'll work out whether to fly to Berlin or Hamburg. Trying to figure out the easiest way to get from Bloodstock to Summer Breeze is still pretty painful. I may possibly end up flying into Stuttgart the day I leave Bloodstock at this rate instead of Nuremberg, which means I definitely won't get to see my friend who lives there, but I can't have it all.

I'm so distracted by fun things in the near future that I keep forgetting the important things such as this and Mother's Day.


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
I tried to get a move on with my holiday plans; it's painful I tell you! I decided I'd leave it up to my relatives to decide how long I'll stay there, then I'll work out whether to fly to Berlin or Hamburg. Trying to figure out the easiest way to get from Bloodstock to Summer Breeze is still pretty painful. I may possibly end up flying into Stuttgart the day I leave Bloodstock at this rate instead of Nuremberg, which means I definitely won't get to see my friend who lives there, but I can't have it all.

I'm so distracted by fun things in the near future that I keep forgetting the important things such as this and Mother's Day.

oha..sounds realy painfull...:ugly:
But iˋm sure weˋll manage to have a beer ot two in Dinkelsbühl..


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
I haven't arranged anything yet. I guess I was hoping I could see most people from 2012, but I don't know who owns which username in the German forum, so I can't tell from the SB thread as to who's going this year. Is there a WOA camp this year and will you be participating?

You havenˋt SBOA-Tickets so far?

At the moment there is no WOA camp this year. ..Careo aka Ling Ling isnˋt going this year..and i donˋt know about the other people..


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
You havenˋt SBOA-Tickets so far?

At the moment there is no WOA camp this year. ..Careo aka Ling Ling isnˋt going this year..and i donˋt know about the other people..

I have my ticket, but I haven't arranged with whom I will be camping, and I can't arrange how I'll get there until I know how I'm getting back to Germany from UK :ugly: I guess I can message everyone else on facebook and see what they're up to :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
I have my ticket, but I haven't arranged with whom I will be camping, and I can't arrange how I'll get there until I know how I'm getting back to Germany from UK :ugly: I guess I can message everyone else on facebook and see what they're up to :)

Do that. We can phone when we´re there...( this time iˋll have my mobile with me,promise.):KO: