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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Yeah. Considering it takes more than a day to fly to Hamburg direct, it seems a terrible idea to stay for just one week :p Also when I'm away from home I always make an effort to visit my extended family, so I have to visit countries other than Germany, otherwise it would make me a terrible person if I didn't (unless they were terrible people...which they're not :p).

Yeah it would be kind of a bad idea. :D The longest flight I've had was probably something like 4-6 hours or something? I think. I can't even imagine being in an airplane for over 24 hours. Sounds horrible.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yeah it would be kind of a bad idea. :D The longest flight I've had was probably something like 4-6 hours or something? I think. I can't even imagine being in an airplane for over 24 hours. Sounds horrible.

I won't be in an aeroplane for the whole time. From the east coast heading to Europe, there's always a transfer in Asia somewhere (Singapore, Hong Kong and UAE mostly). Direct to Singapore was about 9 hours, and direct to UAE is around 13-14 hours. Waiting for transfers is almost as painful as riding in an aeroplane :o Third most painful is being asked any questions at boarder control when you get to Europe, after having little to no sleep for the last day. For this reason alone I hope I never have to fly straight to the UK because they ask a lot of questions :o

Guardian of Silence

W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Dez. 2011
Tom Kyle
I won't be in an aeroplane for the whole time. From the east coast heading to Europe, there's always a transfer in Asia somewhere (Singapore, Hong Kong and UAE mostly). Direct to Singapore was about 9 hours, and direct to UAE is around 13-14 hours. Waiting for transfers is almost as painful as riding in an aeroplane :o Third most painful is being asked any questions at boarder control when you get to Europe, after having little to no sleep for the last day. For this reason alone I hope I never have to fly straight to the UK because they ask a lot of questions :o

Questions? What questions?


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Questions? What questions?

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but I'll assume it's not. Border control in UK is a massive pop quiz for me to get in. How long I'm staying, where I'm staying, what I'm doing and with whom, where I've been, where I'm going next...it's painful :o For me to get into Germany, the most number of questions I had to answer was two (funny story that time :p).

Guardian of Silence

W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Dez. 2011
Tom Kyle
Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but I'll assume it's not. Border control in UK is a massive pop quiz for me to get in. How long I'm staying, where I'm staying, what I'm doing and with whom, where I've been, where I'm going next...it's painful :o For me to get into Germany, the most number of questions I had to answer was two (funny story that time :p).

OF COURSE that was sarcasm :D

Nah, I believe you that it's not fun. I never had to get through that, but anyway - sounds quite uncomfortable.


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Finaly i survived my last nightshifts...now i can enjoy my vacation .:)Looking forward for our journey to Paris next Thursday.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I won't be in an aeroplane for the whole time. From the east coast heading to Europe, there's always a transfer in Asia somewhere (Singapore, Hong Kong and UAE mostly). Direct to Singapore was about 9 hours, and direct to UAE is around 13-14 hours. Waiting for transfers is almost as painful as riding in an aeroplane :o Third most painful is being asked any questions at boarder control when you get to Europe, after having little to no sleep for the last day. For this reason alone I hope I never have to fly straight to the UK because they ask a lot of questions :o

Yeah well anyway just travelling and not being able to to do anything else.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I won't be in an aeroplane for the whole time. From the east coast heading to Europe, there's always a transfer in Asia somewhere (Singapore, Hong Kong and UAE mostly). Direct to Singapore was about 9 hours, and direct to UAE is around 13-14 hours. Waiting for transfers is almost as painful as riding in an aeroplane :o Third most painful is being asked any questions at boarder control when you get to Europe, after having little to no sleep for the last day. For this reason alone I hope I never have to fly straight to the UK because they ask a lot of questions :o

Cant remember getting many questions when i went to newcastle, but maybe thats because i came from europe.
Is the flght to the UAE the longest you've ever done?