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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia

I had a bad night. Didn't sleep well at all.

It's hopefully the start of a good day. We'll see.

Same. I got a headache right as I went to bed and couldn't fall asleep for ages. Stuffed my day up a little - I avoided making a phone call to someone even though they asked me to, because I was afraid if I did, then I'd start yelling at them for being precious and not doing their job. Hopefully I can find my words tomorrow morning; damn code of conduct!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Same. I got a headache right as I went to bed and couldn't fall asleep for ages. Stuffed my day up a little - I avoided making a phone call to someone even though they asked me to, because I was afraid if I did, then I'd start yelling at them for being precious and not doing their job. Hopefully I can find my words tomorrow morning; damn code of conduct!

Good luck with that!