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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Watched Chicago Blackhawks' hockey game last night and it went to triple overtime. So the game lasted 100,26 minutes.

I had MRI yesterday. It was annoying.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Nope, not yet.. I will have one EEG and some blood tests and next month I have appointment for neurologist and then I will get them.

yeah these things can take a while :(

:ugly: Yeah I've been quite busy. Also every time that I come here, no one else seems to be here

yeah I think everybody is busy lately.
but wacken is getting closer so I guess people will start coming back soon :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yup, seems so.

Yeah, it's really not far away anymore! Which is good because I don't wanna wait. :D

I still have a fair bit to organise :o I haven't finished arranging accommodation yet, still have two internal flights to organise (pending how long I stay in Italy and also figuring out the quickest/easiest way to get from B:O:A to Summer Breeze) and I need a new suitcase.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I still have a fair bit to organise :o I haven't finished arranging accommodation yet, still have two internal flights to organise (pending how long I stay in Italy and also figuring out the quickest/easiest way to get from B:O:A to Summer Breeze) and I need a new suitcase.

Yeah I guess for you it's bit more complicated since you live that far. For me it's pretty easy because I'm gonna have a direct flight and then take a bus to the festival ground. Also it helps a lot that mom is living near Wacken so I don't have to carry everything from Finland and so on.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yeah I guess for you it's bit more complicated since you live that far. For me it's pretty easy because I'm gonna have a direct flight and then take a bus to the festival ground. Also it helps a lot that mom is living near Wacken so I don't have to carry everything from Finland and so on.

Yeah. Considering it takes more than a day to fly to Hamburg direct, it seems a terrible idea to stay for just one week :p Also when I'm away from home I always make an effort to visit my extended family, so I have to visit countries other than Germany, otherwise it would make me a terrible person if I didn't (unless they were terrible people...which they're not :p).