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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I'm planning to have a listening party of all the bands with my friends I'm traveling with. So, I made a spotify playlist for that. I put like 2-3 songs of each band there, which means the playlist is over 35 hours long :ugly: It would be quite long even with one song from each band though. But anyway we're gonna have to be fast with each song :D

corrupted old gnom

W:O:A Metalhead
23 Aug. 2009
I'm planning to have a listening party of all the bands with my friends I'm traveling with. So, I made a spotify playlist for that. I put like 2-3 songs of each band there, which means the playlist is over 35 hours long :ugly: It would be quite long even with one song from each band though. But anyway we're gonna have to be fast with each song :D
there's still enough time for that - unless your intention is to know all those songs by heart for the festival :D