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23 Aug. 2007
Toulouse (South of France)
thanks a lot ;)

Hi, thank you for the guide, really. (I'm french : please excuse my poor english :D)

I went to Wacken 2006 by car (from Toulouse !), but this time I think I'll try low cost flight (Ryanair or another one).

Is it possible to organize it on the forum with other member or usually it did not work ? not everythings but little things to prevent people from getting lost, too hard to planify ?

And with Ryanair/lowcost, you can easily bring all your stuff without excessing the 15kg+10kg rule ? and what about the dimensions rule ? the tent, food, etc... I seems not so easy, no ?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hi, thank you for the guide, really. (I'm french : please excuse my poor english :D)

I went to Wacken 2006 by car (from Toulouse !), but this time I think I'll try low cost flight (Ryanair or another one).

Is it possible to organize it on the forum with other member or usually it did not work ? not everythings but little things to prevent people from getting lost, too hard to planify ?

And with Ryanair/lowcost, you can easily bring all your stuff without excessing the 15kg+10kg rule ? and what about the dimensions rule ? the tent, food, etc... I seems not so easy, no ?

(Fr) Je ne connais pas Ryanair, mais leur site doit te donner toutes les informations concernant le bagage. (

Pour arriver, c'est en fait facile. Tu suis le guide au premier post, et tu y arrives. (et juste suivre les metalleux)

(En) I don't know Ryanair, but their site should give all information regarding luggage etc.

For the arrival, it's easy. Just follow the 1st post and all metalheads, and you'll be there.


23 Aug. 2007
Toulouse (South of France)
(Fr) Je ne connais pas Ryanair, mais leur site doit te donner toutes les informations concernant le bagage. (

Pour arriver, c'est en fait facile. Tu suis le guide au premier post, et tu y arrives. (et juste suivre les metalleux)

(En) I don't know Ryanair, but their site should give all information regarding luggage etc.

For the arrival, it's easy. Just follow the 1st post and all metalheads, and you'll be there.

Merci beaucoup, si c'est assez facile à faire le trajet de Hamburg au Wacken, je risque bien de passer par Ryanair ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Merci beaucoup, si c'est assez facile à faire le trajet de Hamburg au Wacken, je risque bien de passer par Ryanair ;)

Il y a les bus Ryanair qui t'amène à la gare si je ne me trompe pas, et si non, il y a le train de Lübeck jusqu'à Hambourg Hbf (=gare centrale)

De Hambourg à Wacken est la partie la plus facile. C'est aller à la gare de Altona (aussi à Hambourg) et de là, prendre le train vers Itzehoe. A partir d'Itzehoe, il y a des bus qui t'amène au terrain de festival/camping.