Stupid people part 2

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W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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catlash schrieb:
And now, under 'How to Effectively Raise More Sheeple'....

(found under, concerning American High School Football)

Updated: May 25, 2006, 5:20 PM ET
Coaches face suspension for wins of 50-plus pointsAssocaited Press

HARTFORD, Conn. -- High school football coaches in Connecticut will have to be good sports this fall -- or risk a suspension.

The football committee of the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, which governs high school sports, is adopting a "score management" policy that will suspend coaches whose teams win by more than 50 points.

A rout is considered an unsportsmanlike infraction and the coach of the offending team will be disqualified from coaching the next game, said Tony Mosa, assistant executive director of the Cheshire, Conn.-based conference.

"We were concerned with any coach running up the game. There's no need for it," Mosa said. "This is something that we really have been discussing for the last couple of years. There were a number of games that were played where the difference of scores were 60 points or more. It's not focused on any one particular person."

Some have dubbed it the "Jack Cochran rule," after the New London High football coach, who logged four wins of more than 50 points last year. In New London's 60-0 rout of Tourtelotte/Ellis Tech, Cochran enraged the Tourtelotte bench by calling a timeout just before halftime. Tourtelotte's coach was arrested on breach of peace charges after police say he struck a security guard and an assistant New London coach.

Leo Facchini, New London's athletic director, called it unfair to single out his coach.

Facchini said he and Cochran tried to pull in the reins during New London's 90-0 drubbing of Griswold last season by trying to get both sides and the timekeeper to agree to run a continuous clock.

Some states, including Iowa, continuously run the game clock in the second half if a team has a 35-point lead. The Connecticut committee rejected a similar proposal because members thought it would unfairly cut into backups' playing time.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
This was something I read this morning on Dutch teletext

German police stops sleaping motorcyclist on Autobahn.

German police stopped an Australian motorcyclist while he was sleeping on the emergency lane on a "Autobahn" in Germany. Apparently he was headed for Dortmund, but got lost on his way. He decided to go camping next to the highway, and installed himself at the emergency lane. The police woke him up and showed the unfortinate driver his way to Dortmund.

Since this happened so close after Wacken, would any of you Aussis be involved in this story? :confused: It might be possible. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
Silly Germans

BERLIN (Reuters) - Thieves in Germany stole 7,500 euros ($9,554) from a man by throwing feces at him from behind and then pick-pocketing him while they pretended to help clean up the mess, authorities said Monday.

After withdrawing 8,000 euros from a bank for a holiday the man was struck in the back of the neck by what he described as human feces, police in the central town of Giessen said.

"Immediately afterwards two large women came up to him from behind and claimed they had seen someone excreting down onto the street from above," police said in a statement.

The two women then began briskly wiping the filth from the man's clothing with paper towels they had with them. They were soon joined by a third man, who also came bearing paper towels.

Only when the man went to take his foul-smelling trousers to cleaners did he notice that 7,500 euros had been taken from his back pocket by one of the would-be helpers, police said

Dumb Americans

Veel Amerikanen weten jaartal '11/9' niet meer

Uitgegeven: 9 augustus 2006 16:33
WASHINGTON - Bijna een derde van de Amerikanen weet niet meer in welk jaar de aanslagen op het Wereldhandelscentrum in New York en het Pentagon in Washington plaatsvonden.

De dag, 11 september, kan bijna iedereen zo opnoemen, maar het jaartal 2001 is nog slechts bij 70 procent bekend. Dat bleek woensdag uit een peiling in opdracht van dagblad The Washington Post


Lots of Americans don't now the year of 9/11 (yeah in Dutch it is normal to put the day first, then the month)
Washington- Almost a third of the Americans does not remember in which year the attacks on the WTC in New York and the Pentagon in Washington took place.

De day, September 11th, is known by almost everybody, but the year 2001 is known by just 70%.
This was concluded after a poll held in service of the Washington Post


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
Silly Germans

BERLIN (Reuters) - Thieves in Germany stole 7,500 euros ($9,554) from a man by throwing feces at him from behind and then pick-pocketing him while they pretended to help clean up the mess, authorities said Monday.

After withdrawing 8,000 euros from a bank for a holiday the man was struck in the back of the neck by what he described as human feces, police in the central town of Giessen said.

"Immediately afterwards two large women came up to him from behind and claimed they had seen someone excreting down onto the street from above," police said in a statement.

The two women then began briskly wiping the filth from the man's clothing with paper towels they had with them. They were soon joined by a third man, who also came bearing paper towels.

Only when the man went to take his foul-smelling trousers to cleaners did he notice that 7,500 euros had been taken from his back pocket by one of the would-be helpers, police said

Dumb Americans

Veel Amerikanen weten jaartal '11/9' niet meer

Uitgegeven: 9 augustus 2006 16:33
WASHINGTON - Bijna een derde van de Amerikanen weet niet meer in welk jaar de aanslagen op het Wereldhandelscentrum in New York en het Pentagon in Washington plaatsvonden.

De dag, 11 september, kan bijna iedereen zo opnoemen, maar het jaartal 2001 is nog slechts bij 70 procent bekend. Dat bleek woensdag uit een peiling in opdracht van dagblad The Washington Post


Lots of Americans don't now the year of 9/11 (yeah in Dutch it is normal to put the day first, then the month)
Washington- Almost a third of the Americans does not remember in which year the attacks on the WTC in New York and the Pentagon in Washington took place.

De day, September 11th, is known by almost everybody, but the year 2001 is known by just 70%.
This was concluded after a poll held in service of the Washington Post
Since grade school I have put day/month/year and ever since then I have had both teachers and employers complaint to me that they cannot read nor understand what I am writing and could I not put the date down 'correctly'. :confused: :confused:


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin strikes again.He's been known to say stupid shit but this takes the cake.

When asked why it's taken so long for the NO Recovery,he responded,"It takes time.You guys in New York City still have that hole in the ground & it's been 5 years."This will be on "60 Minutes" this Sun.


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
LooseCannon schrieb:
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin strikes again.He's been known to say stupid shit but this takes the cake.

When asked why it's taken so long for the NO Recovery,he responded,"It takes time.You guys in New York City still have that hole in the ground & it's been 5 years."This will be on "60 Minutes" this Sun.
He also went on to berate everyone involved for taking so long to clean up WTC. As a member of the chapter of The Red Cross that was there working all those long, tiring hours, as someone who has seen all the photos we took while there, as someone who lost two people I knew there this is all I have to say to Nagin:
Were you there and affected? no?
Did you lose anyone there? No?
Did you spend time, money and vacation days along with much backbreaking hard work to help there? No?
Were you one of many that accepted getting fired, or terminatted yourself from employment in order to be there helping? no?
Did you donate money to further the ability of those there to keep on helping or to help a person or family involved? I think not.
Then (to Nagin) SHUT THE FUCK UP!
:( :confused:


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Here's one of the best Stupid Human Tricks to come about in years...


Guilty of DWC — driving while canine
Who could have expected it? Car crashes when woman lets dog take wheel
The Associated Press

Updated: 5:15 p.m. CT Aug 29, 2006
BEIJING - You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

A woman in Hohhot, the capital of north China's Inner Mongolia region, crashed her car while giving her dog a driving lesson, the official Xinhua News Agency said Monday.

No injuries were reported, although the vehicles involved were slightly damaged, it said.

The woman, identified only by her surname, Li, said her dog "was fond of crouching on the steering wheel and often watched her drive," according to Xinhua.

"She thought she would let the dog 'have a try' while she operated the accelerator and brake," the report said. "They did not make it far before crashing into an oncoming car."

Xinhua did not say what kind of dog or vehicles were involved, but Li paid for repairs.

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


© 2006


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sorry, but this is for all those stupid Law makers in different US states.

An example (@Loose).
It's not allowed to clean your sink in Baltimore Maryland, in whatever state your sink msy be! How do you clean it then????? :confused:


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
Quark schrieb:
Sorry, but this is for all those stupid Law makers in different US states.

An example (@Loose).
It's not allowed to clean your sink in Baltimore Maryland, in whatever state your sink msy be! How do you clean it then????? :confused:
I always wondered how these laws are enforced? Is there an official who goes door to door and checks shit, or...

*me getting odd visions*

Provided that these laws ARE enforced, of course. :D