W:O:A Metalhead
I only keep up with their attempts at failed research and such to keep record of how bad they actually are. PETA has been the cause of more ineffective bumbling than anything else. In past 'help efforts' they have released minks out into an ecosystem unfamiliar with the predatory feirceness of minks, they have freed pets unaccustomed to the outside world and ill equipped to deal with it into the 'concrete jungle' that cities are because 'freedom is better', they have caused injury to humans in order to get their point across ('animal life is better than human life' is the point they seem to drive home in these instances but we are animal too-albiet we call ouselves civilized), and I have personally seen two of their member run up and attempt to spray paint a woman wearing a fur coat WHILE wearing leather belts and shoes themselves! I have also seen them do in the past just as this report states and only last year they came out and petitioned AND demonstrated to the mayor of Slaughter, Ok to force him to change the town's name because 'it indicates a love of killing animals. The town's name is Slaughter BECAUSE one of the great forefathers of that town's last names WAS Slaughter and in fact family members still live!! They lack in research, insight and it sometimes seems, intellect.