W:O:A Metalhead

Just as a proof that "idiots come from all countries, in all sizes and colors": here is a [roughly translated] part of a conversation from a Russian message board that I used to be a part of a year back or so... don't remember the actual nicks, so will define the participants as just "woman", "man" and "me":
Woman: I keep on getting these e-mail offers to install a mailing client. After I do so, my computer stops working normally

Man: What exactly are the problems like?
Woman: [here be some technical stuff which I can't be bothered to translate, something about machine rebooting itself]
Me: I bet that these offers that you get are NOT from someone you know

Woman: yes, these are advertisements.

Man: An antivirus is not a panacea. Any download is potentially dangerous, even if you get a link from a friend. Like taking candy from strangers, you know the rest.
Me: Not exactly candy; it's like receiving a pretty package, which may contain anything - candies, dog shit or explosives - from someone you don't know. Why in Hell would you open this stuff?
Man: Well, people do feel "safe" when sitting at their computers

[now, before you read further, make sure you sit down]. - this was the top of it all:
the woman who started the thread, said, that her religious beliefs encourage trust in ALL people. That simple.
I really had no comments on this one.