Ok, this is officially the worst line-up ever

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W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
If that's the correct translation for it (I read it in Blabbermouth, probably translated in google or something), then i guess the negotiations with Metallica failed.

Why? Because the European tour was finished some time ago and then, in the last days of February, an Irish date comes out of nowhere. They only announced the date (August 1st) on that time, not even the venue, the support bands or tickets. And later the venue even changed...

So I guess they were in talks and Metallica were slated to play August 1st (?).

About the rest, why are they teasing with bands like Slipknot if they don't need to sell more tickets? And Manowar...that's a direct attack to Hellfest saying "we have them too". Oh well, Wacken is already sold out, there's no need for games... :mad:

It was nor really the correct translation. But the facts are in it...it just made it kinda ridiculous, because Slipknot is the band, that i would like to see least of all metalbands. And these negotiations "maybe 09, maybe 10..." are also nothing but ridiculous.
30 Sep. 2008
I think WOA has this year such a boring Line-Up because they are sold out a second time in the last year !

When I understand the information on the year closing report register I think WOA has made till 2 years ago never a great financial success / turn-over.

So they earn since last year the first big money. This is my point of view on this boring Line-Up.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Aug. 2008
Yes yes, most awfull lineup ever, so boring etc etc.

Now, is here still anybody around who wants to get rid of his ticket? A friend of mine is still looking for one! :D

(I'm serious!)

Parkground Dancer

W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2009
I totally agree.
If you compare the wacken line-up this year to the line-ups in the last years or even to other festivals like With Full Force,Summerbreeze or Graspop and compare the prices it´s so fucking ridicioulous.

and by the way Bring Me The Horizon will come too:


it´s quite below

i´m just sad that a soooooo good festival has become soooo worse
14 Sep. 2007
I can't see the point of this being a weak lineup

I just can't get your point guys we got Heaven and Hell and Motorhead, two bands that are embedded in the history of this music. We got the mighty Einherjer reunion and Amon Amarth. not to mention all the others Testament, GWAR, Kampfar, Turisas, Hammerfall, Nevermore, Napalm Death and the rest.

So were is the weak part? So ok I dont care about Bullet for my valentine but that is only one band and dont forget we got quite a few more to come.


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Okt. 2008
We have great bands, BUT there is no real DeathMetal Bands (just some great melodeath) and Black Metal is still missing (expect from Sarke).
Testament is awesome and the best band in the billing, but with Whiplash the only Thrash band. How much Corebands do we have? 5? 6?
Don't missunderstand me I like Bands like HSB and Walls of Jericho but we have to much of it compared to the Rest of the billing :)

Thats my problem with the billing up to now. But look many Slots are still free, lets hope for the best and if the Festival this year will really be so shitty i wont buy a ticket for next year.
Thats it.

Parkground Dancer

W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2009
As I mentioned before:
Bring Me The Horizon will play there...
no commen ton this point

sure there ARE some great bands but I think there could be much better.
And if they put corebands into the billing....
please not those emo-cocksucking bands like BFMV,Callejon and BMTH.


W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
As I mentioned before:
Bring Me The Horizon will play there...
no commen ton this point

sure there ARE some great bands but I think there could be much better.
And if they put corebands into the billing....
please not those emo-cocksucking bands like BFMV,Callejon and BMTH.

The number of them will increase, trust me.