Der Beste
1)It's an international festival for that -it is an international forum.
2)Founder of this topic isn't an german-speaking person.
3)Line-up issue is relevant to all Wacken residents: germans and foreigners. So if you are want to say something - you should say so everybody will understand it.
4)When I hang around with people who do not know my mother tongue I always switch to english even when I'm speaking with a person who does speak my mother tongue.
1) Ow? Dan kan ik ook gewoon Nederlands schrijven.
2) So what?
3) Niet alles is relevant, dus....
4) Ik niet. Ik zorg er wel voor dat de anderen het begrijpen. Niet iedereen is zo'n held in vreemde talen.
This post is therefore of NO relevance WHATSOEVER!