Yeah! Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Korn...

Of course there's a lot of good bands, as always, but they're playing the minor slots.
The thing is people from UK for instance come to W:O:A to see true metal and black metal as the stage names suggest! Now if I wanna see slipknot/metallica/marlyin Manson etc i'l stay in UK where they play Download festival regularly I think metallica headlined it 3times already in 9years! an slipknot have played 3-4 Download Fests I think? It has ruined my faith in W:O:A this year. I am really hoping they're not gonna sell out an turn it into just "ANOTHER MAINSTREAM METAL FESTIVAL" I understand they have to make a profit etc but they can sell wacken out ....could sell wacken out based on reputation in the past now they're dangerously close to loosing this. Like Download in the UK for several years it sold out before full line up was announced but the last years it hasn't infact last year less than 75% of tickets where sold an they where giving away free weekend camping tickets to everyone at the door! *I know cos me an my entire camping party where given them!*
Sure the line up has many good bands in it so far:
Amon Amarth
Heaven And Hell
In Flames
Lacuna Coil
Machine Head
But why not have the bands people are requesting most in the band requests section??????
Wintersun/Norther/Finntroll/Ensiferum (dont care that they played last year they owned!)
Immortal - over 6000votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blind Guardian
Equilibrium (dont even know who they are but clearly people want them!?!)
I jus dont get it..... lastly W:O:A slogon "Faster Harder Louder" erm..... so far Download in UK has W:O:A beat there... now i'm not goin Download cos I know it will suck unless maiden play it lol an I dont wanna see slipknot headline or Def Leppard... I want the W:O:A bands listed above.... but my point is the legendary cult metal festival that is Wacken is being beaten at its own slogon by a mainstream metal fest with a penchant for emo music...... please lets hope that they turn it around and make it the best 20th anniversary they can!

an with anyluck it will sell out for them again early and they can book many more good bands for 2010!!!
Ok to sum up my little rant, I'm not saying wacken is gonna be bad, it wont be bad, it will be great just if they wanna avoid all these complaints and the people who've been going for several years or more keep coming, they need to look at what has been working for them for the last 20years! Wacken has its legendary international status because of its underground and diverse line ups, if it becomes just like hellfest or download UK or Download USA or something then it will quickly loose this reputation, people are fickle! and allegiances change the organisers can't rely on people going / buying tickets "just because its wacken" like many do their patience will only last so long!
Stil either way for now I am stil l looking forward to seeing all the bands I mentioned and drinking nice german beer in the sun with my friends!