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W:O:A Metalhead
10 Apr. 2015
My mom (who comes to Wacken too, she lives in Germany) is bringing my tent and so on and she said her husband should call to AP so we can figure out where he is. I guess she doesn't count on her or my navigation. :D
Ah im normally quite good at finding my feet at a festival but since this isnt in the Uk im worried the signs may not be as easy to follow haha :p

i can do the babysitter for you and your friend at the first day if you like....*g*

Naw thank you! :) I think it would be fun to meet everyone when we get there so we can all say hello and get a drink! Finally meet all the awesome people on here! :ugly:


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Ah im normally quite good at finding my feet at a festival but since this isnt in the Uk im worried the signs may not be as easy to follow haha :p

Naw thank you! :) I think it would be fun to meet everyone when we get there so we can all say hello and get a drink! Finally meet all the awesome people on here! :ugly:

usually there is a board meeting...but i only know the plans for the german part of the forum. But i´ m surethere ˋll be a international meting as well.
New guy needs help!

Hello all!

This year will be my very first time coming to the festival! (Can't barely wait!)

So, here is my concern:
-I regularly know how much beer I can drink a day/night and based on that I'd like to make my drinking beer budget. So, how much is a beer at Wacken? What about other drinks? (Jagger shots, etc)
-What about food? I'm not fancy at all when is a food matter, as long as it fills my belly I'm OK with basically ANYTHING. So much can be a meal?

With how much can you go through a day? Euros speaking.

I will of course bring some dry food, water and some other stuff at camp to save some money.

Thank you very much for your help!

See you there! \m/><\m/


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Hello all!

This year will be my very first time coming to the festival! (Can't barely wait!)

So, here is my concern:
-I regularly know how much beer I can drink a day/night and based on that I'd like to make my drinking beer budget. So, how much is a beer at Wacken? What about other drinks? (Jagger shots, etc)
-What about food? I'm not fancy at all when is a food matter, as long as it fills my belly I'm OK with basically ANYTHING. So much can be a meal?

With how much can you go through a day? Euros speaking.

I will of course bring some dry food, water and some other stuff at camp to save some money.

Thank you very much for your help!

See you there! \m/><\m/

welcome to the forum!

I usually bring about 100 euro a day with me and end up spending about 50 euro a day.
beer prices might not be the same as last year and unfortunately I don't remember how expensive it actually was last year, I think 2,50 for a beer? (that's with the deposit for the cup not included)
food you can get from 2,50 to a whole lot more. you can always go to the local supermarket if you're really concerned about your budget.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Hello all!

This year will be my very first time coming to the festival! (Can't barely wait!)

So, here is my concern:
-I regularly know how much beer I can drink a day/night and based on that I'd like to make my drinking beer budget. So, how much is a beer at Wacken? What about other drinks? (Jagger shots, etc)
-What about food? I'm not fancy at all when is a food matter, as long as it fills my belly I'm OK with basically ANYTHING. So much can be a meal?

With how much can you go through a day? Euros speaking.

I will of course bring some dry food, water and some other stuff at camp to save some money.

Thank you very much for your help!

See you there! \m/><\m/

Welcome! Luckily we won't have to wait that long anymore; only less than two months to go! :)

You already got pretty good advice in the previous message. But about the money, if you like to buy cd's, patches and shirts and all that, you can spend quuuite a lot in a day. :D I don't remember how much I spent last year but I bought quite a few cd's and patches.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hello all!

This year will be my very first time coming to the festival! (Can't barely wait!)

So, here is my concern:
-I regularly know how much beer I can drink a day/night and based on that I'd like to make my drinking beer budget. So, how much is a beer at Wacken? What about other drinks? (Jagger shots, etc)
-What about food? I'm not fancy at all when is a food matter, as long as it fills my belly I'm OK with basically ANYTHING. So much can be a meal?

With how much can you go through a day? Euros speaking.

I will of course bring some dry food, water and some other stuff at camp to save some money.

Thank you very much for your help!

See you there! \m/><\m/

Welcome in the forum that makes (the) crazy!

And unfortunately you won't see me there.

I'm a low budget keeper. If I spend like, €20 a day, it's much. I tend to live on ly own stuff etc, which is
a) cheaper
b) nicer.

But that's pure a personal opinion. I do not know what you want.

A beer at Wacken (infield/Wacken Plaza) is €3 for 0.3L (en niet €2.50, heer AP ;)). You pay a deposit of €1 on your first (plastic) glass.
I think you can get other stronger alcoholic drinks, but the prices will be higher of course. (and if a different glass, again the deposit!)

Food prices are imho a bit too expensive, though the Wackinger village seems to have a decent price level, compared to what you get for it.
A T-shirt is around €18 (Wacken official merch)
My advice: If you can avoid drinking inside the field (eating as well), do so! You know what you have, and how much it costs. There's a supermarket in Wacken town, that sells at normal (German) prices.