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27 Okt. 2023
Old Newbie

Age: 55 (56 when I will attend)
Favorite Type of Music: Yes
Favorite Band: Anything with Carl McCoy in it.
Favorite Beer: Most anything NOT manufactured in the US.
Favorite Liquor: If it is not gin, I am in.

About myself:
When I am not working at my job repairing industrial equipment, I am more than likely preparing for one of my two side gigs - Dungeon Master for Fun and Profit, or Music Video Reactions on YouTube.

Cake or Pie: Pie

2024 will be my first time at Wacken, but it won't be my first festival.

Dirty Little Secret: DJ'd in Goth/Industrial clubs for a few years.
27 Okt. 2023
It has been a LONG time since I was a "Newbie" in, well hell, just about anything.

Am I correct in assuming that a veritable shitton of bands are still to be added to the lineup?

I have seen the Scorpions about a dozen times since the "Blackout" album. LOL

Amon Amarth would be fun, even though they seem to go through drummers like Spinal Tap...


29 Okt. 2024
Hallo - Hey Wacken forum !
Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, deshalb schreibe ich dir oft auf Englisch... Sorry for this!
I am a French music and festival fan, I usually go to The Hellfest in France for instance. Wacken is also a festival I watch a lot via television, but I might come one day eventually 🤘
Concerning my music taste, they are very very wide. I am very curious to discover all the time.
See you soon on the forum!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hallo - Hey Wacken forum !
Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, deshalb schreibe ich dir oft auf Englisch... Sorry for this!
I am a French music and festival fan, I usually go to The Hellfest in France for instance. Wacken is also a festival I watch a lot via television, but I might come one day eventually 🤘
Concerning my music taste, they are very very wide. I am very curious to discover all the time.
See you soon on the forum!
Bienvenue sur le forum qui fait (des) fou(s)!
  • Like
Reaktionen: Wolfhound


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Et j'ai oublié de te dire, ceci est la partie anglophone, donc pas de soucis! (et oui, j'ai l'habitude de parler/entendre le français (belge), vu que j'habite en Wallonie, la partie francophone de la Belgique 🇧🇪 )


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Hallo - Hey Wacken forum !
Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, deshalb schreibe ich dir oft auf Englisch... Sorry for this!
I am a French music and festival fan, I usually go to The Hellfest in France for instance. Wacken is also a festival I watch a lot via television, but I might come one day eventually 🤘
Concerning my music taste, they are very very wide. I am very curious to discover all the time.
See you soon on the forum!