Magic Circle Festival Adds Second Date
The What could be more metal than one day at the Magic Circle Festival? The answer is two days at the first ever Magic Circle Festival! Yes it's really true the festival is exploding and has now been extended to two days. The festivities will now begin on July 6th, 2007, in addition to the original date of July 7th, 2007. The festival will take place in Bad Arolsen, Germany with the amazingly low admission price of 10 Euros for each day. Tickets for the 7th are available now at the official Magic Circle Festival website, and tickets for the 6th will be available very soon. "We are very proud that our idea to reward the metal fans around the world with this special event has been received so well that we can give another show to them", says MANOWAR bassist Joey DeMaio.
Besides different sets of MANOWAR on each day, the Magic Circle Festival on July 6 and 7, 2007 will also feature performances of GAMMA RAY, MAJESTY, HOLYHELL, STORMWARRIOR, MESSIAH'S KISS, DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, LION'S SHARE, HEAVENLY and others.
The festival grounds will be opened on July 5 already with a special "Titty Twister Tent". Sufficient campground and on-site parking areas will be provided as well as a shower-city, supermarket and various vendors.
Furthermore, MANOWAR's new double-live album "GODS OF WAR LIVE" will be released on July 6th and will be available for purchase at the festival. This album will not only feature more than two hours of MANOWAR live music, but will also feature an exclusive 7-minute video of the song "Gods Of War", complete with MANOWAR's trademark explosive stage set including fireworks, a Viking ship and other special effects.