Maiden Tour 2006

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W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Mai 2002
Website besuchen

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God

He gave his life for us he fell upon the cross
To die for all of those who never mourn his loss
It wasn't meant for us to fell the pain again
Tell me whyyyyyy, tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
METALPOPE667 schrieb:

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God

He gave his life for us he fell upon the cross
To die for all of those who never mourn his loss
It wasn't meant for us to fell the pain again
Tell me whyyyyyy, tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
*dich anschau*

Poppen? :D