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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
We're going to book our hotel as well. it'll be the IBIS in the "Altstadt Süd" near the Barbarossaplatz. It's about 4 min. from the Heumarkt, and if necesairy, easilly accessable with public transport. (www.kvb-koeln.de)

I had to laugh about the Dutch language of the Germans. E.g. "Benutzerhilfe" is translated as "hulp voor de benutter" where I'd say, "hulp voor de gebruiker" but I found my way. :D

@Kick. Ich hätte (falls ich's brauch) gern noch den Platz frei bei dir. Ich weiss nl. noch immer nicht ob Naïk fähig ist mit zu gehen, oder nicht. Sowie es jetzt geht, fährt sie mit, aber mit 'ner Schwangerschaft weiss man nie!

@all, sorry for this "strange" (;)) English.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
So does anyone know Pfäffgen well?

Will we need to book tables for our group on Saturday?

What time is good for meeting up?

Is it a good place to eat?


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
gnoff schrieb:
So does anyone know Pfäffgen well?

Will we need to book tables for our group on Saturday?

What time is good for meeting up?

Is it a good place to eat?

It woul be a good idea to book a big table for us all, anywhere, but that's something to be done by the Kölners ;)

I'll arrive to Köln around 4 or 5 pm, I think. I'll leave my things at the hotel and then I'll be ready for anything :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
gnoff schrieb:
So does anyone know Pfäffgen well?

Will we need to book tables for our group on Saturday?

What time is good for meeting up?

Is it a good place to eat?
I (reckon i) know where to find it. Either by car or by public transport (streetcar/tram and/or subway/U-Bahn.

But wasn't this suppost to be for Saturday? 'Cause on Friday, I won't be able to arrive before 19.00 (7.00 pm) in Cologne, as Naïk has to work on Friday, and it's about 2 hours to Cologne.

If I were to go by train, I might be able to arrive earlier, but that depends on where I have to go to. (and if I have to pick up Vippach on my way or not)

Something else. For those NOT on the WOA-phone list, is there a way to make such a list? (for the group we have here on the list?
And for those who ARE on that list, is that number still correct, or has it changed?

In that case, I'm willing to make a (small) list and mail it then before you leave, so we can be in touch once we are all there.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
I (reckon i) know where to find it. Either by car or by public transport (streetcar/tram and/or subway/U-Bahn.

But wasn't this suppost to be for Saturday? 'Cause on Friday, I won't be able to arrive before 19.00 (7.00 pm) in Cologne, as Naïk has to work on Friday, and it's about 2 hours to Cologne.

If I were to go by train, I might be able to arrive earlier, but that depends on where I have to go to. (and if I have to pick up Vippach on my way or not)

Something else. For those NOT on the WOA-phone list, is there a way to make such a list? (for the group we have here on the list?
And for those who ARE on that list, is that number still correct, or has it changed?

In that case, I'm willing to make a (small) list and mail it then before you leave, so we can be in touch once we are all there.

My cell phone number on the WOA phone list is correct.

And I was talking about Saturday for Pfäffgen.

Friday I'll drink all the Kölsch I can find at as many different pubs I have time to find.
Then I'll try and get my drunk ass to Helm's place for further party time :D

I'll arrive early Friday morning, so I'll have plenty of time for bees all day :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
So, for the Saturday the following has been suggested:

On Wednesday the 15th of October we should know how many plan to show up to the meeting/party, then Schlossvippach will make a reservation at Päffgen.

The suggestion is to have the reservation for 20.00 and that at least some of us should meet up there before that time, since the reservation is not longer valid after that time.

For those who have time and want it, we'll meet in front of the Hauptbahnhof in Cologe at 19.15. We need approx 15 minutes by feet going to Päffgen, so we will be in time.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 Juli 2006
AP has my phonenumber,but since he is coming along with LW and me,that wont work :p

@quark: you still got my phonenumber?

for the rest

thats my phonenumber
put it on lists or whatever you like :)
we'll probably arive saturday morning


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
gnoff schrieb:
So, for the Saturday the following has been suggested:

On Wednesday the 15th of October we should know how many plan to show up to the meeting/party, then Schlossvippach will make a reservation at Päffgen.

The suggestion is to have the reservation for 20.00 and that at least some of us should meet up there before that time, since the reservation is not longer valid after that time.

For those who have time and want it, we'll meet in front of the Hauptbahnhof in Cologe at 19.15. We need approx 15 minutes by feet going to Päffgen, so we will be in time.

I'll be there at 19:15 :) *writes it down*


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
main_unit schrieb:
AP has my phonenumber,but since he is coming along with LW and me,that wont work :p

@quark: you still got my phonenumber?

for the rest

thats my phonenumber
put it on lists or whatever you like :)
we'll probably arive saturday morning

I got enough money for the room, so we can book the room if you are ready ;)