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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Quark schrieb:
I'll be there 100%!!!

The question remains, if Naïk is coming or not. And she seems to be more and more tired every day (pregnancy etc) so I cannot predict whether she'll be with me or not!

And I don't want to miss Helm's party, do I! :D

congratz with the pregnancy :)

hope to see her as well, it was fun talking with her at WOA :)

well talked with M_U today, and we're going to book a hotel room A.S.A.P


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
No Cologne for me, I'm afraid. I'll just have to smell my usual bad. :(

Once again, education gets in the way of fun, and I'll have to go to the university that Friday, and the plane out leaves too late for it to be worth my while.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
mugabe schrieb:
No Cologne for me, I'm afraid. I'll just have to smell my usual bad. :(

Once again, education gets in the way of fun, and I'll have to go to the university that Friday, and the plane out leaves too late for it to be worth my while.

to bad... but hope to see you some other time... like WOA 2007 :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
1. gnoff
2. maya
3. schlossvippach
4. Sodomy&Lust (evt. +1)
5. talinsein
6. Quark+1
7. starlight
8. Nachtfalke
9. Karsten + Toffi Fee (maybe)
10. AgressionPower
11. main_unit + Lady_Wolf
12. GRRRR!! +1 (es sei denn, der FC spielt, dann komm ich nach)
13. Suwi (wird shanghait)
14. Arva
15. Aibell *unterVorbehalteintrag* :D
16. lindsch

The most actuell List!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
so you guys are all gonna sleep in on saturday :p
Well, I reckon I won't.

As Naïk is pregnant, she won't go to Helm's party. (to fatigue, but this is only guessing)

In that case, that'll mean I have to go "alone" to Helm, and I always want to go back where I have to sleep. And since I'm afraid to get lost somewhere, especially a city I don't know....

No, we'll be awake, rise and shiny on Saturday.

But this is all guessing, as I said. The only thing I know is that she'll be driving me, and we'll go touring on Saturday to see you all.


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Juli 2006
Quark schrieb:
Well, I reckon I won't.

As Naïk is pregnant, she won't go to Helm's party. (to fatigue, but this is only guessing)

In that case, that'll mean I have to go "alone" to Helm, and I always want to go back where I have to sleep. And since I'm afraid to get lost somewhere, especially a city I don't know....

No, we'll be awake, rise and shiny on Saturday.

But this is all guessing, as I said. The only thing I know is that she'll be driving me, and we'll go touring on Saturday to see you all.

:D :D :D you shouldn't fall asleep somewhere in cologne!!!! you won't love it to wake up at the "Stiefelknecht" :D :D :p