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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
1. gnoff
2. maya
3. schlossvippach
4. Sodomy&Lust
5. talinsein
6. Quark+1
7. starlight
8. Nachtfalke
9. Karsten + Toffi Fee (maybe)
10. AgressionPower
11. main_unit + Lady_Wolf
12. GRRRR!! +1 (If the FC is playing, I'll be there later)
13. Suwi (is to be shanghaied) (we're looking for the meaing of this word!!!)
14. Arva



W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
main_unit schrieb:
same here dude :)

but gnoff
does it mean you are also going to chill with us in 1 room?
or do you already booked a hotel r sumthing?

No, I might have put it down in the wrong way ;)

I have a place to stay already, but it's great you guys are coming as well :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
I'll let you know a.s.a.p. (This in case I have to go alone on Friday)

Hey Quark, is it 100% sure that you're coming?
I hope so because since you wanted the empty bottle from the Lindemans Lambic 1996, I thought that a full bottle would be better.
So I managed to get one for you as well :D

And I hope this post will make you happy :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
gnoff schrieb:
Hey Quark, is it 100% sure that you're coming?
I hope so because since you wanted the empty bottle from the Lindemans Lambic 1996, I thought that a full bottle would be better.
So I managed to get one for you as well :D

And I hope this post will make you happy :D
I'll be there 100%!!!

The question remains, if Naïk is coming or not. And she seems to be more and more tired every day (pregnancy etc) so I cannot predict whether she'll be with me or not!

And I don't want to miss Helm's party, do I! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
I'll be there 100%!!!

The question remains, if Naïk is coming or not. And she seems to be more and more tired every day (pregnancy etc) so I cannot predict whether she'll be with me or not!

And I don't want to miss Helm's party, do I! :D

Of course I hope to see Naïk again as well, but sounds good you're coming :)

Hope you'll like the lambic :D