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W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
gnoff schrieb:
Germanwings from Gothenburg, pretty cheap, about 850 SEK return ticket.

Funny. I'm sure I checked germanwings the other day without finding any flights. Must have looked at September, or something. Anyway, the Gothenburg schedule looks a lot better than the Stockholm one. Landing at 22:55 sucks pretty much wherever you go. Anyway, this should not be totally impossible, but I'll have to check some things before deciding. Did you see the €22 a night hotel on their page, btw?


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
mugabe schrieb:
Funny. I'm sure I checked germanwings the other day without finding any flights. Must have looked at September, or something. Anyway, the Gothenburg schedule looks a lot better than the Stockholm one. Landing at 22:55 sucks pretty much wherever you go. Anyway, this should not be totally impossible, but I'll have to check some things before deciding. Did you see the €22 a night hotel on their page, btw?

I did find a cenrtral hostel for about €30, but now I've got the offer to stay for free at a flat, that's better :D

Hope you can go too!

holy crap I'm drunk, and I'm supposed to be at work in 8 hours or so...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
This is the list of all people going to the Cologne/Köln party on Oct. 21:
  1. gnoff
  2. maya
  3. schlossvippach
  4. Sodomy&Lust
  5. talinsein
  6. Quark+1
  7. starlight
  8. Nachtfalke
  9. Karsten + Toffi Fee (maybe)
  10. AgressionPower (maybe)
  11. main_unit + Lady_Wolf (maybe)
  12. GRRRR!! +1 (If the FC is playing, I'll be there later)
  13. Suwi (is to be shanghaied) (we're looking for the meaing of this word!!!)
  14. Arva
The funniest thing of it all, THE Kölner of our forum didn't put himself to the list yet!!! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
6 Aug. 2002
Quark schrieb:
This is the list of all people going to the Cologne/Köln party on Oct. 21:
  1. gnoff
  2. maya
  3. schlossvippach
  4. Sodomy&Lust
  5. talinsein
  6. Quark+1
  7. starlight
  8. Nachtfalke
  9. Karsten + Toffi Fee (maybe)
  10. AgressionPower (maybe)
  11. main_unit + Lady_Wolf (maybe)
  12. GRRRR!! +1 (If the FC is playing, I'll be there later)
  13. Suwi (is to be shanghaied) (we're looking for the meaing of this word!!!)
  14. Arva
The funniest thing of it all, THE Kölner of our forum didn't put himself to the list yet!!! :D

Wow, thats going to be a nice party :)
well, I just got a PM from Helm that I can sleep at his place, so he has to take part as well :D