Isn't it so comforting to know that your position is so frightening to them that they must label you as a troll to avoid the thought that you are genuine?letzte Zuflucht, wenn die Argumente ausgehen ...
Isn't it so comforting to know that your position is so frightening to them that they must label you as a troll to avoid the thought that you are genuine?letzte Zuflucht, wenn die Argumente ausgehen ...
Either there was an accusation or a blindly stupid fallacy, but even the argument itself is offensive. If you accuse me of making an argument that leads to pedophilia, I might punch you
Isn't it so comforting to know that your position is so frightening to them that they must label you as a troll to avoid the thought that you are genuine?
Also how German is it to take "mental harm is subjective so there isn't an objective rule we can create to enforce it at a festival" to the "brutal end" of nationwide abolition of the age of consent? What a ridiculous argument
It's obviously a slippery slope fallacy because I did not once say that the laws of a country should be changed.
I really don't think this debate is appropriate for this forum nor relevant to whether or not children should be allowed at Wacken. I really can't address it in good faith, sorry"mental harm is subjective so there isn't an objective rule we can create to enforce it in sexuality"
One thing is regulated by law, the other isn't.
Is it objectively correct that way?
If a child/minor is unable to consent to have sex with someone else (that's what laws about age if consent assume) and the parents aren't allowed to make that decision for them, why are they able to consent to being exposed to huge masses of people or extreme noise or the parents are allowed to make that decision?
As said, it's about a line to be drawn at one point, and that's what this discussion is about in the end. At what point can a child or its parents decide and at what point does someone else have to make that decision in a generalised manner.
Isn't it so comforting to know that your position is so frightening to them that they must label you as a troll to avoid the thought that you are genuine?
"mental harm is subjective so there isn't an objective rule we can create to enforce it in sexuality"
One thing is regulated by law, the other isn't.
Is it objectively correct that way?
If a child/minor is unable to consent to have sex with someone else (that's what laws about age if consent assume) and the parents aren't allowed to make that decision for them, why are they able to consent to being exposed to huge masses of people or extreme noise or the parents are allowed to make that decision?
As said, it's about a line to be drawn at one point, and that's what this discussion is about in the end. At what point can a child or its parents decide and at what point does someone else have to make that decision in a generalised manner.
ich werde das als Komplement ... wenn die Argumente ausgehen ist das die letzte Zuflucht !
ich werde das als Komplement ... wenn die Argumente ausgehen ist das die letzte Zuflucht !
One thing is regulated by law, the other isn't.
Is it objectively correct that way?
Mir ist absolut klar worauf du hinaus willst und verstehe deine Gedankengänge. Aber das wird zu groß für den Thread hier
Oder bist bist halt einfach wirklich nen Lacktroll
das ist ein Konsens oder zumindest eine Mehrheitsmeinung auf den sich eine Gesellschaft HEUTE geeinigt hat.
das war früher anderes .. und wird in Zukunft sicher auch anderes sein
es gibt viele Beispiele, wie sich Gesetze um 180° gedreht haben ...
alles ist im Fluss ...
Ich habe auch wirklich lange drüber nachgedacht, das hier zu posten, aber es ist leider eine der ersten Sachen, die mir in den Sinn kommen, wenn jemand erzählen will, man könne ja nicht generalisieren, ab welchem Alter etwas für ein Kind in Ordnung sei. Ist ja eine der Aussagen, mit denen in diesem Thema gerne argumentiert wird, um es vor sich selbst (und im Zweifel auch anderen) zu rechtfertigen.
Deshalb finde ich solche Argumente auch immer sehr schwierig, wenn sie einfach als allgemeingültig hingestellt werden.
Ohne Diskussion hätte sich auch da nie irgendwas getan.