so you can not get in a fight over whose team is better (alcohol does weird things to people)
Some people don't even need alcohol to act like hooligans...
It's completely stupid if you ask me, trying to pick fights with people that happen to support a different sports team than you do. Worst thing is that it tends to get romanticized even in media, books, movies, etc.
btw: they say that 5-10% of all people is gay.
how high would that percentage be in metal?
Are there that many closet gay's or are gay people really not attracted to metal?
Yeah, i've been wondering about this myself for a long time too.
I actually think it's probably the case that gays are less attracted to metal than straight people. Look at the man/woman ratio to compare. There are far less females than males in the metalscene still. Fortunately that seems to be changing.
I think that since metal is very extreme in terms of loudness and harshness, physical in terms of how we move to our music (headbanging and moshpits) and also associated with things like drinking as much beer as you can, behaving a bit like neanderthalers and fanaticism in terms of every metalhead having the need to own hundreds or even thousands of records and huge piles of merchandise and most of all viewing metal as a way of life or at least by far one's major hobby in life, instead of just a musical interest, it can be seen as a subculture that is very uncompromising.
That uncompromising and just plain brutalish nature of metal as a subculture is something that is just naturally more attractive to males than females I think. Especially during puberty, which is the age at which most people start becoming part of a subculture.
I think it's the same for gay people, possibly (likely) even far 'worse'. Also If you're gay you already had to compromise part of your masculinity if you look at it from the perspective of society as a whole. (Whether that is fair or not is different debate.) I can see how someone that had to compromise such important things in his life already, consciously or unconsciously is just less susceptible to a culture that doesn't seem to accept people that compromise.
Now, most of you will agree, that this shell of extremities, brutalness and uncompromising views is really just what it is, a shell that the outside world views but that is really just a superficial view and not really that accurate. But if you don't know that it's hard to be interested in the music if you're not really going for the extreme characteristics of the subculture.
What is left is the true love for our kind of music. But if you never get acquainted with metal because you're not attracted to the culture you will never learn to like it.