English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
And now gopraise you bettering, hope I!

I must now go to my homework, that itself not from alone makes - pity! :(

And what make you still so today?

Hopenly! :rolleyes:

Oh, I see. That is but too always a Shice with this homework, gell? :(

We will drive at first to Burger King, to eat some very healthy Fastfood-Stuff and than it goes wider to Frank-rich, to the City Streetburg.
When I had the last time Clockleaves (Urlaub :D) we were there too and my Wife liked it so many.
So I promised her, to go another meal there.
...and this is today. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Hopenly! :rolleyes:

Oh, I see. That is but too always a Shice with this homework, gell? :(

We will drive at first to Burger King, to eat some very healthy Fastfood-Stuff and than it goes wider to Frank-rich, to the City Streetburg.
When I had the last time Clockleaves (Urlaub :D) we were there too and my Wife liked it so many.
So I promised her, to go another meal there.
...and this is today. :)

I surch still for a solution, that I with my finger shnippen can and all is ready. But it doesn't work. :(

It goes nothing over healthy food. But I befortrain Mc Muff. :o

A greatarty new wordcreation - I have the whole time on sowhat gewaited! :D

Your outflight klings nice and I wish you a funny day. The weather plays with?


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I surch still for a solution, that I with my finger shnippen can and all is ready. But it doesn't work. :(

Ach, that is doch Shice! :mad:

It goes nothing over healthy food. But I befortrain Mc Muff. :o

No, of rare no Fall! Burger King is doch feel better! And spicyer! :)
I think you should overthink your meaning! :o

A greatarty new wordcreation - I have the whole time on sowhat gewaited! :D

...and -shwoops- there was it! :cool:

Your outflight klings nice and I wish you a funny day. The weather plays with?

Thanknice! :)
Yes, it has withplayed. :uff:

But it was very nervy. :(
The Cartrainoutdrive (Autobahnausfahrt :D) was closed, so I had to search for the right Way over the Landstreet to Streetburg. :rolleyes:
Onemeal we fordrove us a little bit and when man no French can, you have a Problem with the french Waywisers. :rolleyes:

...but to good least we came on. :)

By the Homeway we could funnyerwise drive the normal Way, so it was goose easy to come home. To Luck! :cool:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2009
Klassiker aus nem Uni-Seminar:

"I war my go stop over meadows"

Hab ewig gebraucht rauszufinden was damit gemeint war.

edit: stammt aus dem Praktikumsbreicht eines Berufsschülers


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Goody Tomorrow allsides,
hello Gays.Since a long time ago that i was here to write some waste.Sitting on the Cartrain Parkplace and have to do my Drivebreak.

Good DAY sogar already, middlewhile! :)

Yes, you wrote already longer not more here, what very shade is! :(
But now you are weeder here! :cool:

my wife is very gostressed today.She do a atschooling and have a final work does to be finally a Buywoman in healtypeople.But she schnallt the Stuff not.

Oh she wants to be a Buywoman! Very lusty word, only so nearby! :D

Is the teachcloth so heavy or why shnalled she this crap not? :confused:
Maybe is the teacher a pipe and can his job not right!? :confused:

Klassiker aus nem Uni-Seminar:

"I war my go stop over meadows"

Hab ewig gebraucht rauszufinden was damit gemeint war.

edit: stammt aus dem Praktikumsbreicht eines Berufsschülers

"Es war mein Gehalt auf der Wies'n", or so what in the Art!? :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Goody Tomorrow allsides,
hello Gays.Since a long time ago that i was here to write some waste.Sitting on the Cartrain Parkplace and have to do my Drivebreak.

I will say: Good evening! :) Endly sit I in my sofa and can my feet high layen. :uff:

my wife is very gostressed today.She do a atschooling and have a final work does to be finally a Buywoman in healtypeople.But she schnallt the Stuff not.

Hm, has she not a workgroup, that she for help please can?

Klassiker aus nem Uni-Seminar:

"I war my go stop over meadows"

Hab ewig gebraucht rauszufinden was damit gemeint war.

edit: stammt aus dem Praktikumsbreicht eines Berufsschülers

Ich kriege mein Gehalt überwiesen? :confused:

When man that so overthink, is it a greatarty atwriting. :o:D

But it was very nervy. :(
The Cartrainoutdrive (Autobahnausfahrt :D) was closed, so I had to search for the right Way over the Landstreet to Streetburg. :rolleyes:
Onemeal we fordrove us a little bit and when man no French can, you have a Problem with the french Waywisers. :rolleyes:

...but to good least we came on. :)

By the Homeway we could funnyerwise drive the normal Way, so it was goose easy to come home. To Luck! :cool:

For the future should you better outflights in the english language-rooms make. As we here see, can you that much better speaken. :o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
For the future should you better outflights in the english language-rooms make. As we here see, can you that much better speaken. :o

Yes, better is that. :o

Wasshinely I overshatsed my French a little bit. I thought stop, that I will overall through come with my pair brocks french, like "Mercy", "Bong-schua" or "Ohre-wah" and "wuhle wuh awek ma!?".
That was but not so. Who had that know could!? :confused:
That french People spoke sorare noch more French that these pair phrases! :( That must man sich meal fourstall! :eek::o

Yes, we you rightly realized have, is my English so-rare even feeeeeeeeeeel better than my French!
Unfaithfulerwise! Ifwell doch my French rare not so bad is!? :eek:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Yes, better is that. :o

Wasshinely I overshatsed my French a little bit. I thought stop, that I will overall through come with my pair brocks french, like "Mercy", "Bong-schua" or "Ohre-wah" and "wuhle wuh awek ma!?".
That was but not so. Who had that know could!? :confused:
That french People spoke sorare noch more French that these pair phrases! :( That must man sich meal fourstall! :eek::o

Yes, we you rightly realized have, is my English so-rare even feeeeeeeeeeel better than my French!
Unfaithfulerwise! Ifwell doch my French rare not so bad is!? :eek:

Oh Hammerly, you make me weak. :o: I sit here and can me not onegetten. :D:D:D

Manylight should you take some learnhours by a private teacher to onpolish your be-one-pressed (beeindruckende :D) french-knownesses. :o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Oh Hammerly, you make me weak. :o: I sit here and can me not onegetten. :D:D:D

Not!? :eek:
Aha. :o

So is it too rightly! We are closely not to fun here! :o

Manylight should you take some learnhours by a private teacher to onpolish your be-one-pressed (beeindruckende :D) french-knownesses. :o

But which words should he me then noch bybring!? :confused:
I know doch already goose feel of them!

I be now goose despaired! :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Not!? :eek:
Aha. :o

So is it too rightly! We are closely not to fun here! :o

But which words should he me then noch bybring!? :confused:
I know doch already goose feel of them!

I be now goose despaired! :(

You have so right: The life is no picnic. :o

You should for example learn the vocabular of waybewritings, therewith you next time the heclarings understand. :o:confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
You have so right: The life is no picnic. :o

...and for all is it no Ponyyard! :o

You should for example learn the vocabular of waybewritings, therewith you next time the heclarings understand. :o:confused:

Yes I wise what you mean, but this is only for Softeggs and Buildingsavers (Bausparer :D)!
A real Superhero we I, sit himself in the Car, drives loose and sees what happens. :o
And when there some problems ondiven, will they be in the handaroundturning loosed! :o
We I it yes too in Frank-rich did!
There was I yes an awesome Problemsaver too, we I shribed you, we you manylight remember? :o