W:O:A Metalgod
- 13 Juli 2011
- 106.897
- 59.586
- 168
But you must backsight take on my oneshelf gotrouble!![]()
Yes, I wise!

But sometimes think I oneshelve easy not on it!

But you must backsight take on my oneshelf gotrouble!![]()
Yes, I wise!
But sometimes think I oneshelve easy not on it!![]()
And now gopraise you bettering, hope I!
I must now go to my homework, that itself not from alone makes - pity!
And what make you still so today?
Oh, I see. That is but too always a Shice with this homework, gell?
We will drive at first to Burger King, to eat some very healthy Fastfood-Stuff and than it goes wider to Frank-rich, to the City Streetburg.
When I had the last time Clockleaves (Urlaub) we were there too and my Wife liked it so many.
So I promised her, to go another meal there.
...and this is today.![]()
I surch still for a solution, that I with my finger shnippen can and all is ready. But it doesn't work.![]()
It goes nothing over healthy food. But I befortrain Mc Muff.![]()
A greatarty new wordcreation - I have the whole time on sowhat gewaited!![]()
Your outflight klings nice and I wish you a funny day. The weather plays with?
Goody Tomorrow allsides,
hello Gays.Since a long time ago that i was here to write some waste.Sitting on the Cartrain Parkplace and have to do my Drivebreak.
my wife is very gostressed today.She do a atschooling and have a final work does to be finally a Buywoman in healtypeople.But she schnallt the Stuff not.
Klassiker aus nem Uni-Seminar:
"I war my go stop over meadows"
Hab ewig gebraucht rauszufinden was damit gemeint war.
edit: stammt aus dem Praktikumsbreicht eines Berufsschülers
Goody Tomorrow allsides,
hello Gays.Since a long time ago that i was here to write some waste.Sitting on the Cartrain Parkplace and have to do my Drivebreak.
my wife is very gostressed today.She do a atschooling and have a final work does to be finally a Buywoman in healtypeople.But she schnallt the Stuff not.
Klassiker aus nem Uni-Seminar:
"I war my go stop over meadows"
Hab ewig gebraucht rauszufinden was damit gemeint war.
edit: stammt aus dem Praktikumsbreicht eines Berufsschülers
But it was very nervy.
The Cartrainoutdrive (Autobahnausfahrt) was closed, so I had to search for the right Way over the Landstreet to Streetburg.
Onemeal we fordrove us a little bit and when man no French can, you have a Problem with the french Waywisers.
...but to good least we came on.
By the Homeway we could funnyerwise drive the normal Way, so it was goose easy to come home. To Luck!![]()
For the future should you better outflights in the english language-rooms make. As we here see, can you that much better speaken.![]()
Yes, better is that.
Wasshinely I overshatsed my French a little bit. I thought stop, that I will overall through come with my pair brocks french, like "Mercy", "Bong-schua" or "Ohre-wah" and "wuhle wuh awek ma!?".
That was but not so. Who had that know could!?
That french People spoke sorare noch more French that these pair phrases!That must man sich meal fourstall!
Yes, we you rightly realized have, is my English so-rare even feeeeeeeeeeel better than my French!
Unfaithfulerwise! Ifwell doch my French rare not so bad is!?![]()
Oh Hammerly, you make me weak.: I sit here and can me not onegetten.
Manylight should you take some learnhours by a private teacher to onpolish your be-one-pressed (beeindruckende) french-knownesses.
So is it too rightly! We are closely not to fun here!
But which words should he me then noch bybring!?
I know doch already goose feel of them!
I be now goose despaired!![]()
You have so right: The life is no picnic.![]()
You should for example learn the vocabular of waybewritings, therewith you next time the heclarings understand.![]()