Okay, you give him amol a few Hausaufgaben off.....Maybe he get some Fleißsternla in his Heft!That is a good idea! Therefor Jackels brain not onerust (einrostet), should we some lessons for him outwork.
Okay, you give him amol a few Hausaufgaben off.....Maybe he get some Fleißsternla in his Heft!
Okay, you give him amol a few Hausaufgaben off.....Maybe he get some Fleißsternla in his Heft!
meanst ei here i keent learn a proper english?
Oh Goat, Hämmerchen! *umkipp*When I myself onemix in your Gospeak can: of all Falls can you learn here a goshites English.
You shribe a pair meal in this Fred and nobody could undershite you from a real Englishman! That can we forspeak you!
This Fred is sir famous for his Teachrichdom (Lehrreichtum).
Hmmm...I think, that Jackel is not with the needwendy serious by the thing. Or have one of you him today here seen?
That give discounts in the B-note.
Jackel, if you don't want to become the donkey-cap, get your ass over here!
I am here but i can not read the lesson I am too low
Poor Jackel. Had you an onstranged day? Or are you full-feeded from the grilling?
I better not say what I have grod read....Yes. I have a extream onstraged day. Wir are going vom grilling too beergarden and eating a Zwiebelcook
Yes. I have a extream onstraged day. Wir are going vom grilling too beergarden and eating a Zwiebelcook