English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
That's very friendly from you. I will on this surely back coming. :o

You must! :o

We had yesterday the last sommerday. We saw here dark clouds, that but away pulled. The awaited unweather came not. Now rains it but softly.

Rain is good for the greenthings. :o

your english is not the yellow from the egg :o

That can man so but not say. :o
I find she is already very better been since I learn with her. *selfonshoulderclap* :cool:

Oh, is it possibel to forbetter his englisch hier?
Bighorse me englisch is a schielingdream!

...we we all see can. :o

Hello crow! Yes, we try here our english perfect to make. I have already big awaysteps (Fortschritte :D) made.

This can I full and goose underwrite! :)

you can say you to me. :o

This is but ununsual for She. Normalwise She offering nobody the "you" on and She want that the people She shez you! :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
You must! :o

Rain is good for the greenthings. :o

That can man so but not say. :o
I find she is already very better been since I learn with her. *selfonshoulderclap* :cool:

...we we all see can. :o

This can I full and goose underwrite! :)

This is but ununsual for She. Normalwise She offering nobody the "you" on and She want that the people She shez you! :confused:

There can you safety be! :o I will you on the ghost go. :ugly:

Thank you for the flowers! :o I assure you, that you are a greatarty teacher. :D

Your last set have I not understand. :confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
The Forum is going me on the Nerves! Therefor I will lieber zock!:o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
There can you safety be! :o I will you on the ghost go. :ugly:

Thank you for the flowers! :o I assure you, that you are a greatarty teacher. :D

Your last set have I not understand. :confused:

I don't faith that you will me on the ghost go! :)

Oh, thank you very many! That is but nice! :)

My last set that I said to Mü?
It means in German so much like: "das ist aber ungewöhnlich für Sie. Normalerweise bieten Sie niemandem das "Du" an und Sie möchten, dass die Leute Sie siezen!"
It laid doch on the hand! :confused::rolleyes:

The Forum is going me on the Nerves! Therefor I will lieber zock!:o

Ah, that's a greatarty Idea! :cool:
What will you speeling? :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
I don't faith that you will me on the ghost go! :)

Oh, thank you very many! That is but nice! :)

My last set that I said to Mü?
It means in German so much like: "das ist aber ungewöhnlich für Sie. Normalerweise bieten Sie niemandem das "Du" an und Sie möchten, dass die Leute Sie siezen!"
It laid doch on the hand! :confused::rolleyes:

Thanks beauty for the oversitting. :D My brain richte not out to understand the very complex sence. :o