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W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Its poltering outside andauernd, but the Sun is shining too, komiges Weather is this!:o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I have nothing other awaited. :o
When I in the future have problems, I can me than outcry on your shoulder? :confused:

That is praisingsworth! :o

Naturally you can come to me with all your sorrows and needs! I will stand then like a rock in the branding and help you wherever I can! That is selfunderstanding for me! :o

Its poltering outside andauernd, but the Sun is shining too, komiges Weather is this!:o

By us it was poltering too, but it was b. ride evening, so the sun was already undergogoing, so it was sir dark at this time. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
That is praisingsworth! :o

Naturally you can come to me with all your sorrows and needs! I will stand then like a rock in the branding and help you wherever I can! That is selfunderstanding for me! :o

That's very friendly from you. I will on this surely back coming. :o

By us it was poltering too, but it was b. ride evening, so the sun was already undergogoing, so it was sir dark at this time. :)

We had yesterday the last sommerday. We saw here dark clouds, that but away pulled. The awaited unweather came not. Now rains it but softly.