Anti-Cradle of Tits

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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
Edinburgh. Scotland
I do agree on one thing, that cradle overhype their image. Hell, the guitarist in my grindcore band looks like the dude from busted, but he's still fucking good. You don't really need an image to be 'metal' imo...Cradle are alright, i don't mind them, but if that's their thing we should leave them to it. Just means more time to drink beer and visit the metal market. Anyway, I don't think anyone should be telling anyone to shut up. Discussion is what keeps metal living. If everyone liked the same albums, it would be boring, but when you have some people liking an album, and some not, it makes good discussion, therefore making metal stronger. I do believe COF have sold out though, their name is right up there with the Linkin Parks and the Papa Roaches and whatnot, but we can't keep complaining about them, because they won't get kicked off the bill...


14 Dez. 2002
Blackburn UK
Originally posted by putridtorture
I do agree on one thing, that cradle overhype their image. Hell, the guitarist in my grindcore band looks like the dude from busted, but he's still fucking good. You don't really need an image to be 'metal' imo...Cradle are alright, i don't mind them, but if that's their thing we should leave them to it. Just means more time to drink beer and visit the metal market. Anyway, I don't think anyone should be telling anyone to shut up. Discussion is what keeps metal living. If everyone liked the same albums, it would be boring, but when you have some people liking an album, and some not, it makes good discussion, therefore making metal stronger. I do believe COF have sold out though, their name is right up there with the Linkin Parks and the Papa Roaches and whatnot, but we can't keep complaining about them, because they won't get kicked off the bill...

whatnot... do you mean slipKnot LOL!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
9 Dez. 2002
Website besuchen
"and moved on to things that are actually extreme and not commercial"

i quote this from some earlier post here.

I consider myself a treu metal fan, i am 23 and listen to all styles of metal, symphonic rock (rush, marillion, fish) and classic rock bands (golden earrings, doors, deep purple) as i don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks about a band, i just listen to the music i like.

I think many people that call themselves metal fan's and anti posers and whatnot are the same crowdfollowers as many others.

If i read the sentence i just quoted above:
-Do you listen to music just because it is extreme?
now that is something i expect from kids.
Unfortunately i see way too many metal fans that try to be as extreme as possible and act as if it is a competition to like the most extreme possible bands while complaining about other bands that have changed their music from extreme to less extreme.


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
Yeah It was me who said that and it sounds like you missed my point. I said "Extreme" as in "not commercial" not as in "lets get 3 death metal drummers and play Double-bass constantly", that's just stupid. I personally don't find the so-called "extreme" music extreme at all. CoF would have us believe they're extreme. I find Nick Cave more extreme than CoF to be honest. That's what metal should be, it should be breaking down barriers by doing new things, not re-hashing old ones.

I am in no contest as you claim. I never even thought about the "let's out-extreme each other" arguement that you put forward. But then I don't think like that.

And yeah I'm part of the newest movement, the newest band- wagon, I love it so much because it's inspired by my favourite groups/Artists. Amon Amarth, Domine, Nick Cave and Iced Earth.

I like to call it Poser, Viking, Power, Heavy, Death rock.

Please don't say stupid things. I am no crowd follower.

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Death to all the anti-bands threads!!!

If you don't like a WOA band, go to any of the other stages, or go to the Biergarten, or to the swimming pool, metal market or camping site. There are plenty of things to be done.

You're completly right. I don't like CoF either, maybe I'll watch them to laugh about them (that's allowed) but I won't laugh about the fans.
Recently I saw parts of Cradle of fear at my friend's place - the film is really cheap trash, but I would have said then even it had been a film of Sabbat or old Sepultura... ;)


23 Dez. 2002
Dundee, Scotland
Originally posted by Thordis V.

Recently I saw parts of Cradle of fear at my friend's place - the film is really cheap trash, but I would have said then even it had been a film of Sabbat or old Sepultura... ;)

It doesnt try to pretend to be anything different, as alex chandon would say the budget was less than the average music video. The film was meant to poke fun out of the old school horror movies.

P.S. Look at my sig ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Jan. 2003
Near Paris, France
Website besuchen
New guy here... I was browsing the forum to see if there were some news about who's going to play in WOA 2003 and saw that thread.

I must say I'm disappointed by this kind of behaviour.

When I first came to Wacken, I was extremely pleased to see that, whatever you listened to, you didn't get singled out because of it.

Over here, every kind of metal fan who mainly listen to one style (be it black, death, heavy whatever) seems to think they've got the one truth, and will ditch all others.

In Wacken I found people listening to every kind of metal, or for those who listen to less different style, acceptance of one another.
You could meat black clad goth wannabee along side rats covered in mud and no one giving the other a second look. We listen to metal, and thus we're all metal heads.

We come to wacken to drink, listen to metal and have fun. You don't like a band? Go listen to another... No band you like at one time? Go back to your tent and get a drink or go to the metal market... It's not because you don't like a band you've got to diss it... (just for the story, I don't like CoF)

Anyway, see you in WOA 2003, rains or shine!

We've got enough with non metalheads thinking us all bad people and looking askance at us without that kind of internal bickering.


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
You have a good point there. I admit I may have been a bit hasty to start pointing the finger but I want you to hear my point of view.
In Britain, CoF are a joke to people who like true metal. Ask most people from Britain and they will agree with me. They are not seen as true metal. You can buy their t-shirts and merchandise in trendy shops where you can also buy lava lamps. I now understand that in Europe and other places outside UK they are still seen as a "credible" band, for some mad reason:). When I saw the announcement that CoF were playing at Wacken I was upset because I saw this as Wacken having a sell-out poser band playing there. That is true from my British perspective but that's my problem I guess. Sorry I just really hate them. I don't have a problem with Black Metal or anything but just the way that CoF in Britain has become a merchandising machine for a band that gets a lot more attention from their T-shirts than their records . I actually know people(Children it must be said) who bought a CoF t-shirt because it was "cool" and not even heard the band. If this was your experience of the band then I think you would a bit miffed too.
Hope I didn't upset anyone with my comments, I will just have to see who is playing at the same time as CoF and go and see them instead, chances are I'll like them a lot more.


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Jan. 2003
Near Paris, France
Website besuchen
Well, I don't really mind, I even had somewhat the same reaction when I saw them on the confirmed bands, wondering why should they come when other "better" bands won't.

But then I reflected that on the number of people coming to WOA, there was bound to be a lot of people who do like them and why would my idea be better than theirs?

So I just decided I would skip them, just as I know I will skip some other bands I don't like or because I'll be too drunk or too tired to attend!

And if the band playing when CoF plays is not interesting, search for a group of tent with a french flag, probably in the B camping ground and I'll gladly take a beer with you :)


23 Dez. 2002
Dundee, Scotland
Originally posted by JonB666

In Britain, CoF are a joke to people who like true metal. Ask most people from Britain and they will agree with me. They are not seen as true metal. You can buy their t-shirts and merchandise in trendy shops where you can also buy lava lamps.

Im from britain (dundee in scotland to be precise) and im a Cradle fan. I wouldn't class myself as a kid either considering i'm 23.

I am also into bands such as Deicide, Emperor, My Dying Bride, Bolt Thrower, Burzum.

No matter what type of music you listen 2 there will be someone who claims they are not true metal.

Regarding your comment about the t-shirts, the reason they attract so much attention is because they are purposely being provocative, most black metal is, and why shouldn't they make money from what they do.

You shouldn't dislike a band just because a shop down the high street sells them, last year I remember there was an article in a metal magazine regarding Miss Selfridges, they had started selling Metal t-shirts because metal wear had started to become a bit trendy, this isn't the bands fault so dont blame them.


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
Website besuchen
Hmm can't help it, but musically speaking COF is a splendid band. They write good gongs, they know how to handle their instruments..okey..I don't give a damn about their vampire image but musically speaking, there's nothing wrong with them *Bork*


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I don't get why one should stop listening to a band just because they start earning money off their music?

I just don't listen to CoF mainly because I can't stand his singing voice, and some for their attitude as well :)