Anti-Cradle of Tits

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I've probably said this before, and others as well, but what the hell..

I listen to music that sounds good to me, even if it's not considered metal.
I never listen to music and say it's cool just because I want to be cool myself (might say it not to hurt someones feelings, maby, but probably not)
If a band I like get popular, so much the better, I won't be the only one listening to them any longer.

Although if I did listen to, hmm, what is "popular" these days? Say that McNeil woman, I would probably not say so in this forum :D

Just listen to what you want to, then go to Wacken and see the bands you want to, and if you see me before 5 pm say hello, if it's after 5 pm I won't remember you anyhow :D


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by filth

I am also into bands such as Deicide, Emperor, My Dying Bride, Bolt Thrower, Burzum.

No matter what type of music you listen 2 there will be someone who claims they are not true metal.

Regarding your comment about the t-shirts, the reason they attract so much attention is because they are purposely being provocative, most black metal is, and why shouldn't they make money from what they do.

You shouldn't dislike a band just because a shop down the high street sells them

The thing I hate about CoF is their music and their image, their music is pretend black metal, whiny,moany "I'm a mad,sick,twisted person who society hates cos I'm "different""

It's aimed at people who think they are "different"

Their image is laughable, typical and cliched,nothing else need be said about that really.

Cradle Of Filth need to appear on MTV and appear "trendy"

I have to ask myself why?

Is it because they are becoming more popular?

I don't know, I am just speculating

I assume their sound is becoming more commercial of late as they are now on SONY Records.

I like My Dying Bride a lot.
My point is this.
Deicide,Emperor, Bolt Thrower and also Burzum are great bands in their own right, agreed, do they need their video's on MTV, Do they need merchandise in trendy shops?

No, their music speaks for itself.

This thread could go on forever, because people all have different opinions.

BTW which is the Experimental Dance/Black Metal song I read about on the website, would like to hear what one of those sounded like, It's on the Cradle to Enslave E.P. apparently?
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W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
I can guess why Burzum isn't that much with merchandise and alot on MTV and so on.. though the music is good, his opinions aren't very friendly, don't you say?

We ALL have some bands we ALL like to nag on...

I am not into this NU-metal, I dislike it but what I know... CoF ain't NU-metal

Commercial? All bands are practically commercial in their own ways.


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
I don't want to confuse the word "Commercial" with the word "Popular".

Iced Earth and Blind Guardian and many many other bands are very popular and very successful without being commercial.

Blind Guardian have never officially released any material in Great Britain, but last year they were the Headliners at the BloodStock festival.

They don't need slick advertising and promotion on trendy TV programmes and "Style" magazines.


23 Dez. 2002
Dundee, Scotland
Originally posted by JonB666

BTW which is the Experimental Dance/Black Metal song I read about on the website, would like to hear what one of those sounded like, It's on the Cradle to Enslave E.P. apparently?

Thew song you mean is the twisted nails of faith which is on ltd edition red vinyl which was meant for dj's only, btw it wasnt COF that mixed it,


27 Okt. 2002
Liverpool, UK
Website besuchen

congratulations you suck. no one would want that little prick to show anymore than what we already try to avoid seeing. it says on their website that they were in The Face magazine which is known for its tips on STYLE and FASHION .They were proud that they were banned from DAYTIME MTV the fact they were on MTV at all is bad you say they arent commercial where have you been living for the past 10 years.if i want an Amon Amarth t-shirt or any merchandise of any real metal bands i have to go to their country if i want to get any CoF shit i walk ten minutes down the road and i'll ask the kids what 'trendy' shop they got it from.probably the same shop which sells The Osbournes merchandise cos liking that seems to be another trend at the moment.

FUCK J00 commercial Bullshite
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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
Originally posted by JonB666
BTW which is the Experimental Dance/Black Metal song I read about on the website, would like to hear what one of those sounded like, It's on the Cradle to Enslave E.P. apparently?

It is, it's called Pervert's Church (From the Cradle to Deprave).

I used to like CoF but now I've gone off them a lot... once you listen to "real" metal you start to understand that CoF are actually a bit crap in comparison. I still like them and I'll be going to see them at Wacken this year, however, and I'm gonna enjoy it.

We all have different opinions so why can't we just end this madness?!


27 Okt. 2002
Liverpool, UK
Website besuchen
good point

yeh thats a good point but isnt the point of these forums to give opinions and speak whats on our mind.when i first heard CoF where at wacken i was disappointed i mean the first time i go and they are there.but yes there are other bands there that i will see when they are playing but its not gonna stop me from throwing bottles and various things at them.i mean apparently they WERE metal but to be honest they sold out big i mean at least Metallica started out good CoF have always been shit.they are solely a band because dani thinks that 'goths' think the image of vampirism/satanism is cool but i mean yeh vampires are cool but not when some four foot shit from dover thinks he is one.he can pretend all he wants as long as i dont have to see or hear the shite hes puttin out. if you see cradle of filth as metal then all i can say is bollocks they are pop plain and simple. their purpose is to make money. if you look at REAL metal bands like Iced Earth, Iron Maiden they do it for the fans sorry but i would rather have millions of fans than millions of pounds cos at the end of the day you lose are always there.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Last time I saw Iron Maiden live they had just released "brave new world"

almost the entire show was songs from that album, I think they sang every song on the album and maybe 5 old songs.

Then they stopped and left.

They did not do that for their fans, they did it to promote the album.

Sure it's agodd album, but hey, if I go to see Maiden live I wanna hear the classic tunes! Not the new that will not be classic for some time...

So to say that a band suck because they want to make money don't make sense, doesn't all bands dream of getting really big so they can live off their records and their music??


27 Okt. 2002
Liverpool, UK
Website besuchen
again thats a good point but Iron Maiden have been going how many years well lots they have enough money now to retire and live wherever the hell they want and dont have to do a thing for the rest of their lives. so in argument of your statement if you actually watch the rock in rio concert bruce goes in great detail about how " they dont want to be some bullshit nostalgia band cabaret act playing some old fucking metal songs..we wanna play new songs and keep on going" in his words he shows that he wants to do it for the fans please watch it or download the live run to the hills off kazaa from the rock in rio concert. Iron Maiden do it for the fans they have enough of them ffs lets see i have every maiden album yes i am a huge fan as are millions of others. look at it this way if you had just written a whole new album and want to play it in front of thousands of people would you be pissed off if people only wanted to hear the old stuff yes their old stuff is better but how many times have they played them. a lot. please dont make this turn into an anti maiden thing please lol.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I was only trying to prove a point that a band don't suck just because they want to make money, or because they are commercial.

I'm not against Maiden, Manowar, CoF, or any other band out there.

But if the fans want to hear the old songs and the band still play the new ones, thay are not doing what the fans want them to do.

Maybe they do it FOR the fans, to show them their great new album, but that show was too damn much!

I won't even go to the gig this summer because of how they treated "us" the last time and many that I know feel the same way.

I still love Maiden, and still listen to their old and new albums, but I won't see them live again...

Btw - Brucs D did a kick ass performance at WOA 2002!


27 Okt. 2002
Liverpool, UK
Website besuchen
sorry man

wasnt accusing you of anything sorry just kinda well not often i hear someone put down maiden lol. yeh i heard bruce was good my bro was there. well to be honest its not actully CoF i hate i'm sure the talented ppl ( the ppl with instruments) are good. i just dont like dani.full stop. he said CoF are the best Black metal band in the world and clearly they arent lol. they use the whole gothic concept too much i mean he just looks like a circus midget. my brother was talking to CoF's manager at Wacken 2002 and even he said dani was a prick so from someone who spends a lot of time with them i would trust his word on that. and i just hate the 'goth' look altogether its not metal. is for kids who try to be different with their make-up but at the end of the day its just another trend so thats why i hate him