Originally posted by Ancalagon
If it wasn't for my country, the French would be speaking German right now. We were the ones who saved their ass. Look at how they act now. All we wanted was a little bit of support and they act all snooty.
The exact opposite!
Thousands of Americans boys died so that France could do exactly what they did - be their own nation, make their own decisions and determine their own destiny. Something Hitler wasn't about to let the French do.
Remember - The last time that a foreign power came to France and told them to fight with them, and the French refused...they had panzers rolling up and down the Champs-Elysees for four years! I'd say the French have a lot of balls for standing up to us.
And the argument goes deeper - if France owes us a debt of gratitude for liberating them in World War II, we owe them for the very existence of our country. Washington's army would have been nowhere if Lafayette hadn't whipped them into shape, and we'd still be kowtowing to stiff-backed limeys today (No offense Mulk!

And likewise, if France stills owes us a favor, I think they have repaid us more than kindly with Sophie Marceau's sweet ass.
All kidding aside, I blame no one for disagreeing with the policies of the Bush regime, as I do passionately - and I will be last person to stand by idly while someone calls me a traitor just because I don't think war is fun or funny. To call any of the nations of Europe "anti-American" just because they disagree with us is the worst sort of cultural arrogance. Who are we to call anyone else "snooty" when Bush & Co. expect the rest of the world to fall in line and fight a war without question?
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love my country. But I fucking hate the current government. Between a pisspoor economy that has slaughtered the job market, increased taxes, failures to prosecute corporate crooks, and foreign policy blunders that have embarrassed us in front of the whole world, I have no love for the Bush administration.
You wanna call French snooty? Spend an August in Paris, look at the disgraceful way that American tourists conduct themselves, and see if you don't want to clock them six ways from Sunday and tear their passports up for playing into every negative American stereotype the rest of the world holds about us. *That* is snooty.
Ah fuck...
I feel better.