An open letter to the anti-war crowd

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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
Edinburgh. Scotland
Not read the whooole topic, but about anti-war protesters:
the troops are not going to leave Iraq because a gathering of people are blocking a street. I mean,
"Ok, troops, steady, aim...WAIIIIT! Theres a bunch of people blocking a street in London, stop!"

Also, here, they are now using spray paint to cause "vandalism" which is also pretty stupid as one protester has "american imperialism" sprayed accross a budweiser billboard ad!!!!
Also, some of them spray "no blood for oil" all over the Renault billboards.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by putridtorture
Not read the whooole topic, but about anti-war protesters:
the troops are not going to leave Iraq because a gathering of people are blocking a street. I mean,
"Ok, troops, steady, aim...WAIIIIT! Theres a bunch of people blocking a street in London, stop!"

You're absolutely right here. There's little point in protesting the war now. It's like trying to shut the barn door after the horses have already bolted. The time for mass demonstrations is past, and now, all we can really do is hope that the whole fucking mess is over with soon.

Also, here, they are now using spray paint to cause "vandalism" which is also pretty stupid as one protester has "american imperialism" sprayed accross a budweiser billboard ad!!!!
Also, some of them spray "no blood for oil" all over the Renault billboards.

hehe, someone tagged a "Vie De France" restaurant in a mall here with the word "Traitors" across its front window. Even though the restaurant has nothing to do with France, because it's owned by a Japanese company.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by LooseCannon

I heard on the news a few weeks back that there are some catering places that refuse to sell french food.I'm not kidding.

I'd believe it! I'm sure it's more just to get attention than anything. There was an article in the Post about all these product boycotts not too long ago, and they interviewed an online computer sales company from Georgia that said they would not ship to any countries that weren't supporting the US War effort. The owner admitted in the article that they did it more to get some attention than anything.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by Rosk
Ok... Now I believe you, the holder of the only truth. The light at the end of our ignorance tunnel. The Almighty.

Metal slut I love you, your information, your intelligence, and your good will towards all the people who disagree with you.

*kisses metal slut*

I hope you have find all those hoards of horny metal heads you were looking for before.

Let me tell you something, you've been quite successful when you come here looking for attention

*kisses metal slut again*


*and now ladies and gentlemen the score is Rosk 1 Metal Slut O!
