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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada

From an article I have :
When someone starts a new exercise program, they often experience muscle soreness. The more intense and "unfamiliar" the program, the more intense the muscle soreness. This soreness is most prevalent 24 to 48 hours after each workout. In the first few weeks of a new program, soreness is the body trying to "protect and defend" the effected or targeted tissue. Exercise physiologists refer to this as delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS.

This type of soreness is thought to be caused by tissue breakdown or microscopic tears in muscle tissue. When this happens, the body protects the tissue. The muscle becomes inflamed and slightly swollen due to fluid retention. This temporary retention of fluid can result in a 3- to 4-pound weight gain within a few weeks of a new program. Keep in mind that muscle soreness is not necessarily a reflection of how hard you worked. In fact, some people feel no signs of muscle soreness, yet will experience the muscle protection mechanisms of water retention and slight swelling.

I get this BIGTIME every time I lift weights - which explains why I don't do it much..takes me a week just to recover. Probably lifting too much but I'm a weight whore..I HAVE to lift big weights just to feel like I'm doing something..plus I'm a bit of a showoff I think :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Found out a few months ago that one of the newer nurses at work is into metal. We found each other out after attending a gig her father had organised and saw each other there :p Got talking about Wacken in the lunch room :D Good times :D Pretty sure I made her jealous cos she hasn't been yet.

here in germany the most nurses( for old people )seem to be into metal or gothic:)


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Today I added a long but shallow cut on my finger to my collection of injuries, which are currently two small cuts, another medium sized shallow cut, a tiny scrape, and a big scrape. :o:D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
All on my hands btw.

It makes sense when you consider how many cardboard boxes full of merch I have to cut open, and those annoying plastic casing around certain things that's difficult to get off even with scissors. Add lots of paperwork (paper cuts). Add me moving around quickly and you get me banging into stuff. Wrap it all into a package of me not being remotely careful and you see what happens. :D