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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I saw the travel agent today. We had a chuckle over it and it's easily fixed. The price will be higher since I'm rebooking it so close to the departure date, so I'll just pay the difference (but it won't be much). I asked for one later in the day so I don't have to rush anything at all. Probably means my grocery shopping will be done on Wednesday morning and my food won't have time to get nice and cold, but oh well :).

Cool, glad you don't have to book a whole other flight. :):D

It's always nice when people make you feel appreciated :)

Yep. :)

Not in the storm water drains, right?

No. :D

I don't mind a little rain but 'pouring' becomes a little uncomfortable (not to mention cold) Glad you had a good day though!

Pouring is cool because it bounces off the pool water and makes it all cool looking. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
I saw the travel agent today. We had a chuckle over it and it's easily fixed. The price will be higher since I'm rebooking it so close to the departure date, so I'll just pay the difference (but it won't be much). I asked for one later in the day so I don't have to rush anything at all. Probably means my grocery shopping will be done on Wednesday morning and my food won't have time to get nice and cold, but oh well :).

good, to hear..:)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
some things you can just watch over and over again :D

*now I hope animated jpg's work here*


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Ok, so the lady who's doing my job hasn't worked in health at all, but she can touch type. She's an older lady and doesn't give me the impression that she's a quitter, so I'm feeling pretty confident. I felt like I was bombarding her with info then I gave myself a headache just from explaining everything in detail that I just know and do automatically :o She appeared to take it all pretty well, so...so far so good :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Ok, so the lady who's doing my job hasn't worked in health at all, but she can touch type. She's an older lady and doesn't give me the impression that she's a quitter, so I'm feeling pretty confident. I felt like I was bombarding her with info then I gave myself a headache just from explaining everything in detail that I just know and do automatically :o She appeared to take it all pretty well, so...so far so good :)

sounds good!:)