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W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Nov. 2009
Yeah who knows. it is possible. The thing is they first have to really want to make music like that again. They have to feel it again, get the passion for REAL metal again. Can or will they ever do that? That remains the big question. I'd rather they play what they really feel than try to make the album they think we all want if it's not what they like. If it's forced or not truly what they want to do, it will show and the album wont be good, IMO.

i totaly agree .. i think that what they did with the last album .. they made what the ppl wanted and it was a good effort .. but u can sense it lacks passion & the old metallica feeling to it ..


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
At my age I am part of a very small minority of people who are into metal. I know people who force themselves to fit into the so called "age appropriate' interests, taste, life style. I'm not going to get into boring music, take up golf, cut my hair and drive a mini van to fit in with my peers. I refuse to be anything but myself, the true me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
i totaly agree .. i think that what they did with the last album .. they made what the ppl wanted and it was a good effort .. but u can sense it lacks passion & the old metallica feeling to it ..

I agree! When Metallica started out they were four young guys who loved Metal and wanted to be in a band and play and make Metal. They were not well known yet, had almost no money and just did it for the love of the music. I'm sure they would have never guessed that they would have gotten so HUGE. but after all the years of touring the world, gaining massive popularity the world over. And after Making a massive amount of money and having everything and anything they've ever wanted, there;s no way they can ever be the same. They will never have that drive, that hunger, that anger again. That's why I don't think they'll ever release another Kill 'Em All, ride The lightning or Master of Puppets again.


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Nov. 2009
At my age I am part of a very small minority of people who are into metal. I know people who force themselves to fit into the so called "age appropriate' interests, taste, life style. I'm not going to get into boring music, take up golf, cut my hair and drive a mini van to fit in with my peers. I refuse to be anything but myself, the true me.

good for u, just be ur self .. age has nothing to do with it.. and ppl who think that metal is just a phase that we go through are very wrong .. its a way of life that stays with u forever .. unless the person is not a real metalhead and just a poser.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
good for u, just be ur self .. age has nothing to do with it.. and ppl who think that metal is just a phase that we go through are very wrong .. its a way of life that stays with u forever .. unless the person is not a real metalhead and just a poser.

EXACTLY! very well said, I could not have said it better myself. I may be a metalhead, but it does not mean I'm irresponsible, or a drug addict, a thief, an alcoholic. I am college educated, own my own home, have a wife and child and a great job. I don't do drugs, never have, never will, and never drink to excess.


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Nov. 2009
Yes we are! And at a festival like Wacken, we all gather together in one big family of outcasts, a brotherhood. An outcast army! :D

thats why i like Wacken so much .. being there is like being at home .. where no one would judge u or care what u wear or where u come from .. we are all there for the love of Metal .. and that really makes us like a big family.