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W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
Ah. Mine are just random local bands deciding to put on a gig at some random abandoned warehouse or something. Tours are very seldom involved at these shows. Those are the larger shows and those cost more :p.

We don't have that here often. It's all about clubs and concert halls. A few months ago our music center built a new one near Wacken.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
We don't have that here often. It's all about clubs and concert halls. A few months ago our music center built a new one near Wacken.

Ah ok. So not so much of a DIY scene, but more of an organized show scene with local musicians and such? I'm so used to my area where I can just be like, hey come on guys, we should get a show going this weekend and there probably will be one somewhere.


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
Ah ok. So not so much of a DIY scene, but more of an organized show scene with local musicians and such? I'm so used to my area where I can just be like, hey come on guys, we should get a show going this weekend and there probably will be one somewhere.

It's all organised by the guys but in a semi-professional way. So you could call it a "professional DIY scene".:D

Parties in the rehearsal room with included "concert" happen anyway.:D