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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009

At the Municipal Waste show three weeks ago I had to leave the club for a rest cause the whole room was a pit.:D

They were here not long ago. Nobody really went to that show seeing there was a local show that night that everybody showed up to. I was home that night though, it was a shame seeing there was a prosthetic leg, porno, and midgets at that one.

Our clubs tend to turn into one giant pit. At the real venues though there is a designated area for the pit and a second floor for people who don't want to get involved.


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
They were here not long ago. Nobody really went to that show seeing there was a local show that night that everybody showed up to. I was home that night though, it was a shame seeing there was a prosthetic leg, porno, and midgets at that one.

Our clubs tend to turn into one giant pit. At the real venues though there is a designated area for the pit and a second floor for people who don't want to get involved.

That always happens in the Hafenklang.

The stage is exactly as high as my knees. -.-
Everytime there I wish I'd be smaller.:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
That always happens in the Hafenklang.

The stage is exactly as high as my knees. -.-
Everytime there I wish I'd be smaller.:D

No you don't really. The stage over here is up to my thighs and every time I go see a show in that venue I'm bruised so badly. When its lower than that, I fall forward. At the other venues (the non-official ones), it's usually fine to stand on the side of the stage. I don't have any good photos of any of them unfortunately. I'll have to get some next time I go to a show. I was actually told to take more shots of the crowd anyways.


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
No you don't really. The stage over here is up to my thighs and every time I go see a show in that venue I'm bruised so badly. When its lower than that, I fall forward. At the other venues (the non-official ones), it's usually fine to stand on the side of the stage. I don't have any good photos of any of them unfortunately. I'll have to get some next time I go to a show. I was actually told to take more shots of the crowd anyways.
One club in Lübeck has it's stage up to my waist...that's perfekt for sleeping on the AMPs in the front.:D
It's killer anyways: You can bring your one drinks and stuff- even in glas bottles.
Ooook.. On the news here I just saw half a dozen Germans riding on little kid sleds in the nude. Snow is cold, I'd hate to do that. :confused:
Saturday here was a sleigh race.:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
One club in Lübeck has it's stage up to my waist...that's perfekt for sleeping on the AMPs in the front.:D
It's killer anyways: You can bring your one drinks and stuff- even in glas bottles.

Saturday here was a sleigh race.:D

Happen to know where DIY local shows are held over there? I want to hit up a few over there on my travels. It would be fun.

And.. For a brief moment I see nudes on sleds and the first thought that came to my mind was "Damn those Finnish.." then.. I realized they were not Finns :D.