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30 Sep. 2016
North Bay Area, California
Anyone here watching the stream? Think we're
coming up to about, umm... Day 129 of the SiP
(Shelter-in-Place) directives here in California.
We were briefly starting to reopen but that 2nd
wave hit and everything got locked up again.

Since I'm nine hours behind, I'm multi-tasking
this time around. "Rockin' With Wacken" and
"Wacken While Working" outta the home office
I set up in the garage lol

Hope you're all safe and got a good set-up for
streaming the show this year. Good news about
the festival this year, no lines for the bathroom,
kitchen and drinks are self-serve!!

- Sepulchral Voice


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
Anyone here watching the stream? Think we're
coming up to about, umm... Day 129 of the SiP
(Shelter-in-Place) directives here in California.
We were briefly starting to reopen but that 2nd
wave hit and everything got locked up again.

Since I'm nine hours behind, I'm multi-tasking
this time around. "Rockin' With Wacken" and
"Wacken While Working" outta the home office
I set up in the garage lol

Hope you're all safe and got a good set-up for
streaming the show this year. Good news about
the festival this year, no lines for the bathroom,
kitchen and drinks are self-serve!!

- Sepulchral Voice

If I get to see some kind of Alice Cooper show later on then today will be a good day!

Have a great day whatever you're doing :D


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Anyone here watching the stream? Think we're
coming up to about, umm... Day 129 of the SiP
(Shelter-in-Place) directives here in California.
We were briefly starting to reopen but that 2nd
wave hit and everything got locked up again.

Since I'm nine hours behind, I'm multi-tasking
this time around. "Rockin' With Wacken" and
"Wacken While Working" outta the home office
I set up in the garage lol

Hope you're all safe and got a good set-up for
streaming the show this year. Good news about
the festival this year, no lines for the bathroom,
kitchen and drinks are self-serve!!

- Sepulchral Voice

We've been semi open for a while but things are turning to shit again.
Makes me wonder how long it's gonna take for things to be normal again. But I'm guessing we are lucky if things are back to normal early next year.

I'm watching the stream on and off. I'm not interested in everything they're showing.
there might be no lines in for the bathroom but for some reason the bathroom is just a dirty.... :ugly: :p :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Anyone here watching the stream? Think we're
coming up to about, umm... Day 129 of the SiP
(Shelter-in-Place) directives here in California.
We were briefly starting to reopen but that 2nd
wave hit and everything got locked up again.

Since I'm nine hours behind, I'm multi-tasking
this time around. "Rockin' With Wacken" and
"Wacken While Working" outta the home office
I set up in the garage lol

Hope you're all safe and got a good set-up for
streaming the show this year. Good news about
the festival this year, no lines for the bathroom,
kitchen and drinks are self-serve!!
No. Too tired, and I've had a shit message today. Meaning, I'll have to make a "return" next Wednesday to NL.