Auf Fb neue Kommentare,
Mehr Bands werden kommen und irgendwann dann natürlich auch ein neuer Trailer.
Don't worry, we're working on it!
Dylan du Toit
Remember when we used to get band announcements? Maaan those were the days!
Wacken open :Air And these days will return.
It's not true, we will also annouce regular bands.
Josh McGlynn
Can we expect an announcement before easter? I'm already convinced to go but it'd be nice to see some new name
Wacken Open Air: We can't promise it, but we would love to announce some names. Stay tuned!
We are working on bands for the small and the big stages, don't worry.
Naja finde klingt schon etwas positiver als die letzten.... Troztdem immer noch sehr schwammig das ganze.